
Xia-Xia Nintendo DS Game Review

Xia-Xia Nintendo DS Game Review

Xia Xia cover


From sandy beaches to deep blue seas, explore it all with fun and silly hermit crab characters in Xia-Xia the game. Set out on dozens of missions to find shells with your favorite Xia-Xia friends, Bimini, Turks, Trinidad and Tobago. Along the way meet kooky friends and unlock loads of secret rewards in five unique worlds across 25 levels! Keep your eyes open, you must discover the hidden star fish in each world to move on to other adventures. With more than 30 collectible shells to uncover and over 60 missing friends to seek out, Xia-Xia the game provides hours of fun for all ages!


My daughter, Michaela, got to review this fun game & it is exactly the kind of DS game she loves to play.  She doesn’t like games that require you to move fast or have to think too quickly.  She loves exploring at her own pace & not having any pressure to have to beat the clock.

xia xia port carnival xia xia Select World xia xia select xia xia xia xia shipwrecked

When I asked her what she thought of the game, she told me that it was a really fun adventure game that is good for lots of different people with various skill levels.  She said that sometimes it was really easy, and sometimes it was kind of hard.  She really really loved finding the hidden items & exploring the different worlds.

I recommend this game for girls ages 6+.  Some boys may like it, but it seems more geared toward girls.


You can purchase Xia-Xia for Nintendo DS for $19.99 at

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  1. Paula Schuck says

    My daughters would love this.


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