Still feeling a little strapped after the holidays…
but want to do something really special for your sweetheart!
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So what are you waiting for? GO!
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I like to watch cheesy b-movies and make dinner/snacks on a date. Sounds odd but it’s fun.
I like to go out to eat and to a movie.
a night on Broadway is my favorite date night
Dinner, a movie, and a drink <3
We love to go have dinner at our favorite restaurant on the beach!
Well its been a LONG time since we’ve had a date night out … usually we will make a special dinner at home for us and eat after the kids go to bed and rent a movie.
Dinner and a movie . . . the classic. 🙂
We usually just do dinner and a movie but I think we need a change. If I win we’ll have to do something extra special 🙂
I ilke to go bowling, supper, and/or a movie. More like a date day lol
I like eating out at a restaurant and then coming back home to watch a movie or TV show.. 🙂
on date night, love to go out for dinner
We like to do just dinner!
dinner and a movie
A nice Steak Dinner !
It’s usually a dinner date or going to the dinner theater
Shopping and Red Lobster Dinner!
we like to go to a movie out to dinner and then maybe a walk together
we like to go to dinner and then walk at one of our local beaches
It’s been so long since my husband and I have gone out just the two us. This would be really nice if I win. A nice dinner and maybe a movie.
Its been so long I don’t know. Going out for dinner and dancing would be nice.
my_2_cents at hotmail dot com
We like to go out to eat!
Dinner and a Movie 🙂
It is usually dinner out and I don’t have to cook!
Dinner and a movie.
massage and relax with a movie.
We don’t do date night! So this would be a real treat! We DID have a DayDate- Went for Italiano & saw Breaking Dawn! AWW!!
inalak at msn dot com
Not much in the past few years, but hope to make this year special!
I like to go to a movie and dinner!
I love dinner and a movie
we usually do dinner and a movie
I like to go to Red Lobster for shrimp and cheesy biscuits, and sometimes see a movie. I know, not very creative, but we are usually tight on money. If I could, I’d go to this fantastic restaurant called The Melting Pot, where dinner and dessert are fondue, and then we’d come up with something really fun to do afterwards. We just had our second baby, so a night out would be a real treat!
make dinner and cuddle
On the extremely rare occasion where my hubby and I can get a babysitter for our kids, we like to do dinner and a movie. In the nicer months, we try to sneak out and play some golf. 🙂
We haven’t a date night in 2 years! I would love to have a nice warm dinner and a good movie
We haven’t had a night alone for ages! When we do it’s usually dinner.
dinner and a movie
we like to do movie and a dinner somewhere we haven’t normally been before
We like to goto movies, dinner, musicals. We love to see plays or a concert. We have been talking about going out to play trivia, but haven’t yet…we will soon 🙂
Dinner or a movie.
We like to go to dinner!
The classic dinner and a movie!!!
Dinner and a movie would be a great date night
With 6 kids and now 3 still at home and a live in grand daughter, we have not been out a lot over the years, but when we can slip away it is to a movie and to a family restaurant. In the summer though, we go out on our fishing boat and fish, watch the sunset and take dinner with or stop along the lake we fish to get dinner. It’s so amazing watching the stars appear before your eyes and being lulled by the waves rocking the boat slowly. It’s the best time for conversation about our future plans and issues with the kids. I NEVER want to go in and funny it’s always my husband who says, hon, we gotta go. LOL.
With 6 kids and now 3 still at home and a live in grand daughter, we have not been out a lot over the years, but when we can slip away it is to a movie and to a family restaurant. In the summer though, we go out on our fishing boat and fish, watch the sunset and take dinner with or stop along the lake we fish to get dinner. It’s so amazing watching the stars appear before your eyes and being lulled by the waves rocking the boat slowly. It’s the best time for conversation about our future plans and issues with the kids. I NEVER want to go in and funny it’s always my husband who says, hon, we gotta go. LOL.
sorry if this duplicates…said there was a duplicate but I cant see my post.
Take the kids to grandma’s house and then relax at home and watch a movie or two. Very rarely. 🙁
we dont get to get out much.but we love to do dinner and a movie
We like to go out to dinner. 🙂
Date Night? What’s that? We very rarely get a date night! If we do, it’s just to a movie that we can’t bring the kids to!
We usually do dinner nothing big. It would be nice to do a couple message and dinner.
My husband is a truck driver and has always been on the road for Valentine’s Day this year will be the first year since we’ve been married that he will be home so it’ll be nice to go out to dinner or something.
I enjoy a candle light dinner.
I like to go to Disneyland for date night!
We usually go to a movie and dinner.
I like to go to gallery openings with him.
I love to go on an adventure. Go hiking, kayaking, etc…
Typically we do a movie and dinner … so the kids don’t run amuck with the babysitter for too long. If I had $300 though, I would probably go to the city for entertainment and dinner and window shopping.
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Date night for us is night at a performing arts theater preceded by a lite dinner.
like to do dinner and a movie
I like dinner and a movie.
Sometimes dinner and a show
I like going to a wine bar.
We would love to have a beach getaway. We live close to the beach and never get to go. What a treat this would be!!!
Dinner & a movie
I like anything together, from movie and dinner.
Love watching a Broadway plays together..the point being time to ourselves. 🙂
I don’t remember! lol Actually, we do the usual movies and dinner. Maybe coffee before or after. We need to get out more 🙂
We don’t go out on dates very often, but we usually like to go to dinner and some sort of special show, concert or event.
This year my hubby has to work v-day night so we’re hoping to make the most of it the weekend following w/ some time away for the little ones.
My husband and I love to try new restaurants, or if we are short on cash, we also love to enjoy the local parks! Long strolls through the woods can be quite romantic! 😉
We usually go out for dinner.
We typically like to go out for a PEACEFUL dinner and a movie. 🙂
picnic under the stars, watching a movie, then making out in front of a fire
date night is normally dinner and a movie, but that movie is typically watched from the couch as we relax with an evening without two hyper toddlers LOL
just like to do dinner with my hubby!
I usually stay home and make my favorite dish for supper and watch chick flicks.
We like to go to dinner and a movie. Going to the spa would be something nice and new.
Dinner and a movie perfect date night
amasfuntime at yahoo dot com
I love going to the movies
Date night is usually cooking together a great elaborate meal and then cleaning up together and then if we are lucky, a little snuggle time
we usually go out to dinner
Dinner at a restaurant and then movies.
We like to have dinner and maybe few drinks out with some friends…we don’t get to go out much since we don’t have reliable sitters.
time away from the kids!
Head to the movie theater and out to dinner
We like to go out to eat and see a movie.
I love to go see a movie with my husband.
We usually just go out to dinner then come home and watch a movie.
We love going out to dinner and then out for ice cream!
We go out to dinner! 🙂
Date night is pretty typical, normally dinner and a movie!
Depends on if we feel like going out or not. If yes, we usually go out to dinner and then maybe a movie or bowling, something like that. If not, we usually get something delivered (pizza, sushi) and watch movies or play video games.
I like to go to a make a reservation to a nice restaurant and then a nice dance club to dance to some good music. Thank you for this fun giveaway!
I typically like to go to dinner and then either do a movie in the theater or get a redbox. If it’s during the day, we will go get lunch and then a mani/pedi 🙂
My husband and I usually go out to dinner for a date night, sometimes go to the movies.
I like to go out to eat on date nights with my hubby
we love to go out to eat for sure (no dishes to wash–yay!), and then to stay out late walking around the city & smooching under the street lights (!), but we really want to try a “moonlight paddle”(after-sunset canoeing) at our local nature refuge… the challenge is always securing/paying baby sitters for our respective kids…. but we have many, many ideas for all sorts of date nights, and neither enough time or money for all of them! 🙂
on date night we check out a new restaurant in the area
We typically only get 1 date night a year, the day we go Christmas shopping. We shop and go out to eat.
We have typically gone to dinner and some kind of show for a date, but sometimes we’ll just go to the beach in the summer or on a long bike ride together!
I like to go out to dinner
dinner and a stroll on the beach
Last date night was a LONG time ago. We’ve been struggling lately. My dream date night would be to go out to eat at Italian Inn after a day at the Botanic Gardens!
Date night is usually dinner and a movie…pretty boring. lol
Our date night is usually a movie and then out to eat .
on a date i like to go out to dinner
Love to go to a live performance, like a concert or play, and then to dinner or a nightcap. Thanks!
Thank you for the amazing giveaway! Hope you have a great week! Hopefully this money can be used for a little rekindling of our romance!
We like to go out to dinner and a movie or maybe a concert if any decent bands are playing.
We usually do a movie and a burger. Soemthig that is not too pricey.
dinner and a movie
a date night to me is no kids, me and my fiance, our bed with a movie and nobody bothering us, it rarely ever happens, but when it does, its nice to enjoy each others company.
We don’t do date night. I would really love to start though!
I love to go to a movie then dinner & dancing.
We like to visit interesting places like Mount Vernon or World of Orchids.
Movie, dinner and then a nice walk on the beach to watch the sunset.
dinner and a movie
My hubby and I hardly ever get an opportunity to have a date night, this would be a great prize to win so I can take him out on a date! Thanks for the opportunity, I hope I win!
When we do get out, aside from just reconnecting we like to have dinner and see a movie. The past two years we have not been able to go to the theater so we take advantage of that!
I’d love to go out to dinner, but as a poor college student, I can’t really afford it.
We go eat a nice dinner then go watch a movie.
dinner and a movie
Dinner and movies!
We using go out to dinner or just go out for a drink.
We’re simple, mini golf, a movie and dinner!
I would love to have a romantic dinner, thank you..
Dinner and a movie!
It’s bee long timinc date night,especially after our 5th was born recently!We will have to have dinner at home probably and watch a movie after they go to bed.
we like to get pizza and a moive.
would love this to go out with the honey for vday!
Dinnerat a steak resturant and a movie with action and romance. Satisfies both
I like to get a movie,some take out food a bottle of wine and get cumfy on the couch and see whos still awake at the end of the movie
I like a good movie & dinner!