
When Should You Start Tummy Time?

Tummy time is a great way to help your baby develop motor skills, strengthen their neck, back, and shoulder muscles, and help them learn how to roll, scoot, and crawl. An important part of making tummy time safe and enjoyable for your baby is having a padded play mat for them to lay on. But when should you start? This blog post will discuss when to start tummy time and other essentials for your baby’s safety. 

The Importance of Tummy Time 

Tummy time is an important part of baby’s development and should be incorporated into their daily routine. Starting tummy time early on can help babies develop motor skills and improve overall coordination. It can also help prevent flat spots from developing on the back of their heads. Flat spots are caused by babies spending too much time lying on their backs or in one position, which can be prevented by doing tummy time regularly.  

Babies need plenty of supervised tummy time during the first few months of life. During this time, they learn how to move and adjust their body weight and build strength in their arms, legs, neck, and torso. Tummy time can also help babies with proper positioning for eating and sleeping and encourage social interaction with their parents or caregivers. It is beneficial not just physically but mentally as well. Babies often reach out to explore items around them while on their tummies, helping them learn about their environment. They can also work on sensory exploration by feeling different textures or colors of objects they encounter while playing on their tummies. This helps stimulate their brain and prepare them for more advanced activities later in life.  

When to Start Tummy Time 

When your baby is a newborn, you may want to start with tummy time on your chest as he sleeps. This will make it easier for your baby to practice lifting his head. You can place him on a blanket or other flat surface as he gets older. It is important to remember that tummy time isn’t just about developing physical strength. It is also a great way to help babies bond with their parents and build social skills. Talk and sing to him. Make eye contact and engage him with toys. These activities will help your baby develop important social and emotional skills. 

With a bit of patience and consistency, tummy time can be a rewarding experience for both of you! Be sure to give yourself and your baby frequent breaks during tummy time. If your baby gets fussy or tired, take a break and try again later.  

How to Get Started with Tummy Time 

Most experts recommend starting tummy time when your baby is a newborn. Generally, you should begin as soon as your baby can lift his head and hold it steady. You can start with short periods, around five minutes, and gradually increase the time each day. When your baby gets frustrated, take a break and try again later. When doing tummy time, position your baby’s head, so it’s higher than their stomach. This helps to strengthen their neck muscles and keep their airways open. As your baby gets stronger, you can incorporate activities such as reaching for toys or singing nursery rhymes to keep them entertained during their sessions. 

[Text Wrapping Break]Tips for Successful Tummy Time 

Before you start tummy time with your little one, here are some basic tips to keep in mind:  


  • Start small and slow: When you first start tummy time, it’s best to start slowly. Try just a few minutes at a time, several times a day. As your baby gets used to being on their tummy, you can increase the duration of tummy time sessions. 
  • Stay close: Always stay with your baby when they are doing tummy time. You can place a few toys nearby and talk or sing to them to keep them engaged. 
  • Make it fun: Playing games such as “peek-a-boo” or lifting your baby up and down off the ground can help make tummy time more enjoyable for them. 
  • Use different surfaces: Place your baby on various surfaces during tummy time, such as a padded playmat, blanket, or even your lap. This will keep tummy time exciting and help develop their gross motor skills. 
  • Position your baby correctly: Make sure your baby is positioned correctly during tummy time. Their hips should be flexed, and their head should not be resting against any surface. 
  • Provide support: If your baby needs extra support, place a rolled towel underneath their chest to help them stay comfortable and supported while doing tummy time. 
  • Be patient: Tummy time can be difficult for some babies, who may not enjoy it immediately. Be patient and consistent with tummy time; eventually, your baby will become more comfortable. 


Tummy time is an important activity for babies to help them develop physically, cognitively, and socially. It’s important to start tummy time as soon as possible—ideally within the first month or two of life. It’s also important to ensure that your baby is comfortable and that you have the right resources and toys to keep them engaged and motivated. With the proper preparation and dedication, you can provide your baby with a safe and beneficial tummy time experience. 



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