With a house full of kids my fridge door is constantly opening and closing. It seems like somebody is always hungry or thirsty. My kids aren’t the only ones that stand with the fridge door open sighing are they?
LG has the perfect solution for my problem. Not only is their new French Door Refrigerator a whopping 31 cubic foot (be still my heart… a fridge big enough for my family!) but it also sports the new Door-in-Door feature for easy access to your most used foods. The Door-in-Door is a magnetically sealed section that allows you to access the door bin without opening the entire fridge. Genius, right?
Our family is always reaching for diet soda, almond milk or juice boxes, yogurt, cheese and baby carrots. Having these items in the Door-in-Door would help keep my fridge cooler by not having to open the entire door every time we reach for them.
What are your go-to-fridge-foods? There are four foods competing in the epic LG’s Food Fight (yogurt, juicebox, mustard and Diet Soda) for the last easy to access spot in the Door-in-Door. They need our help to win this coveted spot, and in the end you could end up winning one of these fabulous refrigerators!
So, who will YOU be voting for? Personally… I’m rooting for Diet Soda. She’s a HOOT! You can meet all the contestants and learn a little about them on LG’s YouTube channel.
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Compensation was provided by LG via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of LG
I’m voting for the yogurt! It’s my comfort food of choice!
I don’t know that I’m voting for anyone. However, I love this new fridge!
I love the door in door. I have a side by side and would never buy one again. The freezer is to small and hard to organized your food. The refrigerator side is not much better. This type is not for a family of 5.
I think mustard has issues…. Diet soda reminds me of girls I went to high school with.
What a genius idea….and yogurt. Definitely.
Diet Soda – lol 🙂
Definitely would be yogurt, cheese and diet soda for my family. Oh and by the way it doesn’t get any better. Now my 8 granddaughters stand with the door open, saying “Gramma what ya got in here!”LoL
Diet Soda is my choice too, LOL. My fridge doesn’t stay shut much, either – and I don’t have kids. My husband will stand there with the doors wide open for minutes as he tries to figure out what he wants to eat. The funny thing is, he’ll usually close the fridge and reach into the cupboard instead for a snack.
What can I say? I really feel like I connect with yogurt, she’s so good!
My kids are big yogurt afficionados, so definitely the yogurt!