Verizon #WhosGonnaWin Super Bowl XVIII Light Show| #VzwBuzz

I am happy to announce that I will be working with Verizon #VzwBuzz for the remainder of 2014!

What does this mean?

I will bringing you up to date information from Verizon, my opinions on a few devices they send me (like the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 pictured here) as well as connecting with you on Twitter once a month at the #VzwBuzz Twitter parties held every Friday at 2pm CST.

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I was lucky enough to play with the Note 3 this past October through December while working with Verizon. On this next stint I intend to dive a little deeper and share some of the new things I learn like more uses for the S Pen, keep organized, etc.

The first thing I wanted to share about Verizon, though, was actually mostly for fun!

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All week long your Super Bowl XVIII tweets will be turned into a first of it’s kind social media powered light show… on the Empire State Building!

Head over to to check out the daily question, tweet your answer with #WhosGonnaWin to vote for who you think is going to win the Super Bowl.

Every night Verizon will light up the Empire State Building in the “winning” teams colors!

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Take a sneak peek at what it might look like! I wish I lived closer for an in real life view.


  1. Julie Wood says

    I will have to do this and tweet who will win the Super Bowl. I think it is exciting to have my team The Seattle Seahawks in the Super Bowl. I will tweet for them to win!

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