Hello!! ??
I know it’s been forever since I’ve updated you on my fitness/weight loss journey, please forgive me! Life has this habit of taking over and distracting me.
A lot has gone on since I updated my weight loss journey post. I’ve been a fitness instructor for over 3 1/2 years. Sadly, I am no longer teaching R.I.P.P.E.D. . January of 2019 was rough for me. My dad was diagnosed with cancer … it was literally all over his body. From diagnosis to death we had a little under two weeks. I returned to teaching immediately because I need some normalcy and I need my tr1be. I made it to the plyometrics section of class and heard a loud pop from my foot and experience an immediate and immense pain. Fortunately there was another instructor in the class, so she took over demonstrating the “high” and I instructed and showed the “low”.
I am stubborn girl. I refused to think it was anything other than a bad sprain. I continued to teach on it for several weeks (almost a couple months if I’m honest), and then finally went to see a doctor because it “just wouldn’t heal”. I was told I had a horrible Jones Fracture and needed immediate surgery. I was “out” for over 3 months … 6 months post break and I was finally 100% and I went back to teaching. I taught one more R.I.P.P.E.D. class (subbing) and decided that I needed to step down. I was told if I broke the screw, I was literally screwed.
I decided it was time to start listening.
I am still teaching Zumba. I probably will never stop … dance is my happy.
Zumba has changed a little over the course of this past year. I wasn’t about to let a gym shut down stop me from dancing with my girls, though. I immediately took my classes to Zoom and we danced at least 3 times a week during the mandatory quarantine.
We are back in the gym now, socially distanced 6 feet from each other and wearing a mask, even while dancing. It’s uncomfortable at times but worth it. We always remind each other “At least the gym isn’t shut down!”.
I had decided that I wasn’t going to let Covid/quarantine take me down. On top of staying active physically, I put my mind to work as well. I studied hard and finally took my Personal Fitness Trainer exam in May … AND I PASSED!!!
To date I am still not “using” it because I’ve decided to start studying for my Nutrition Exam as well. Nutrition is 80%+ of weight loss. You can sweat your buns off at the gym every day for a year, but if you aren’t eating properly you will be spinning your wheels. My goal is to use both certifications to help others that are in the same position I was. I found connecting with others that actually knew and had felt the struggle I was experiencing was so incredibly helpful.
I also spent quarantine certifying in several formats. I now hold certifications/licenses for Groupex, Personal Training, Zumba, Zumba Gold, Zumba Toning, Zumba Gold Toning, Zumba Step, Aqua, TRX, PIYO, SH1FT/L1FT/M1ND/R1SE, and Barre Above!!
I am only actively using Groupex, Zumba … but starting this week I will be teaching a SH1FT/L1FT/M1ND/R1SE class! I am excited to add interval training (HIIT) back into my life!
So that’s the extremely condensed version of my fitness life.
Weight wise
Covid had me struggling. I’m going to be super honest here. At my lowest point (from my 1st update), I weighed in the low 180’s. At my highest during Covid I topped at 215.
Nutrition guys. Plain and simple.
When I finally decided enough was enough, I started dialing in my nutrition. I lost 8 pounds doing that, then I saw a friend mentioning she was going to do a round of 75 Hard. After a short chat with her, I decided to join her the very next morning!
75 Hard was HARD. Straight out no sugar coating it. Some days were easy breezy, but then there were the days I was so busy that my second workout was at 10:30pm … usually a yoga session so I would sleep well. I literally fought sleep during those sessions.
Here is what I posted on Facebook on day 76.
This post was hard for me.I fought with myself about sharing B&A photos because I took them mainly for my own reference.But in the end, I know that if I am vulnerable and share I will help encourage others that are just like me.
My body type … is mom.I honor my body where it is today.It has served me well even when I abused it with food and ballooned up to nearly 400 pounds.I had 5 big full term babies … 1 even gave me 3 hernias!As a result of these pregnancies … I have diastasis recti and will probably never have a flat tummy without surgery.My tummy has a permanent bulge but smooths out nicely in leggings.I’ve learned my body is resilient and continues to serve me well.I fought tooth & nail but in the end … quarantine got to me and my weight was starting to climb again.It scared me.Yes, I am a fitness instructor.But, I am human.I started to knuckle down (pre 75 hard) and lost 8 pounds,but I felt like I was grasping at straws. I wasn’t quite sure what direction to go and my b*tch voice was strong.This program helped remind me that I AM A STRONG HUMAN.I have the ability to turn that b*tch voice off and turn up the volumnon my boss voice.
I have to say that if you want to start a program like this …there will be days that SUCK.That’s why it’s called 75 H A R D.There were nights I finished my second workout at 11pm or later.My sweet supportive husband (who was NOT doing 75 Hard) joined me on a few of these late night yoga/stretch sessions.
I lost count how many daily walks this man took with me, even after his own training for a 50k trail run.His constant support along with Nadia’s kept my vision in check.About this journey:I jumped into this program on a whim. Like literally less than 12 hours notice. I had been watching a friend barrel through her #75Hard and was motivated to do something by her progress.
Then Nadia posted she was jumping in with both feet the very next day. I really had no clue what exactly 75 Hard was, but after a few questions I figured I had nothing to lose and I told Nadia I was in.
Girl … we did this d@mn thing!!In 75 Days I’ve:Lost 20 pounds
Lost 6% off my BF %age
Lost 13.5 inches (6 off my WAIST alone!
Drank over 75 gallons of water
Completed over 150 workouts
Ate clean using strict macros (no cheat meals or alcohol)
Read over 750 pages of self help books (I am NOT a reader!
Found my grit and determination again
Gained a good friend
Today I am proudly wearing a shirt that not everyone can claim.I also found a cute little Kate Spade necklace that will remind me of this journey.This journey NEVER ENDS.The struggle never ends.There is always a step in front of you.But it is ALWAYS worth it.Just remember that …Fit is NOT a destination … it’s a way of life
If you are considering this program, be sure to subscribe to Andy’s podcasts. I listened to them almost daily on my walks. They kept me motivated and encouraged.
Staying focused during the holidays was rough (can I get an AMEN!?). I put on a few pounds but made it through without too much damage. After a good honest conversation with myself and a look in the mirror, I decided I’d had enough (again).
So Nadia and I have decided to do a “round 2” of 75 Hard.
Why not move on to the next Phase?
I feel like I need a total mind reset. It’s a new year and we have 365 days to get through all 3 Phases. Will I actually attempt the cold showers in the next Phase?? Being cold intolerant … that’s a hard b*tch voice conversation to win. Only time will tell.
I keep being asked a “goal weight”. I’ve learned over the past 5 years that the scale can be a LIAR! Once I realized that muscle takes up less space than fat, but weighs more … the scale didn’t have as much impact on my mental well being (weight wise). Yes, I step on it for reality checks but in the end the tape measure and the InBody (body fat %) are my best friends.
So … my goals. I’ve finally mastered “doing a push up”! Yes .. it’s taken me 5 years to figure out how to do 10 in a row. So now I’d like to push that to 15, maybe 20?
I’d love to be able to say I can do a pull up. All my life I have joked about “no upper body strength”.
Time to fix that!
I’d like to get down to the lower 20%ile for body fat. Last time I had an InBody scan (early December 2020) I was back up to 29%.
I’d love to fit into a size 10 or smaller (I’m currently a comfortably snug 12).
Lastly, I’d like to find a way to firm up my “bat wings”. I’ve lost a lot of weight and the skin on my arms just isn’t retracting.
I think that’s the Cliff Notes version (although it was VERY long!) of ME!
About the video above
I decided to start a YouTube channel! It’s called “Just Heather” and it will be as random as I am! ?
If you have topic requests please send them my way … I’ll be talking fitness, nutrition, family, workouts … basically LIFE!
Be sure to subscribe on YouTube to get all the updates. You can also follow me on Instagram for more insight, encouragement and randomness.
LOVE this! Your so amazing and I love that you share your story! Keep it up and stay strong and healthy in 2021!!