When did you start blogging? I really started getting into blogging back at the end of July.Why did you start blogging? I had been coming across coupons, freebies, and kids related events and had been sharing them with my facebook friends. Various people seemed to be interested in what I was posting, so I decided to share them with everyone and put them into a blog for all to see.
When you are not blogging what do you like to do? Work out, go to Mom’s Group activities, and read.
What do enjoy most about blogging? Seeing other people get just as excited as I do about deals or getting a thank you for something I posted.
And anything else you would like to include! I am just glad that I am able to do this. Blogging has definitely improved my life because I have been able to chat with some very nice ladies, and I have been exposed to things that I would have never known about before.
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