- When did you start blogging? Jan 2010 but not active until April 2010.
- Why did you start blogging? I always shared deals anyway. this kind of took off!
- When you are not blogging what do you like to do? When not blogging I love playing games and toys with my kids, being outside, taking pictures, talking…shopping…
- What do enjoy most about blogging? I’ve met tons of fun people and I’ve been able to pay a lot of things forward!
Each week we pick a spotlight / co-host! All you have to do is follow these steps. Next week will it be you?
Please do these 3 simple things: 1) Follow the first 4 pages in the linky. These are our hosts. Be sure to comment so that we can follow back! 2) Please only link up your the network we are visiting for the week!—GOOGLE FRIEND CONNECT 3) Post our button in a post or sidebar! AND this week post about it on GOOGLE! For more followers- Grab the linky code and post this on your blog for your followers!
New follower here from TTT! Just followed you on Networked blogs too. Would love it if you follow me back on those. Already LIke you on FB! 🙂
Lisa xoxo
I'm your newest follower!! I would love it if you would follow me back!!
I am a new follower!! XOXO
Following you from the Thursday hop.
I'm a new follower. come visit me at http://www.aseasonforallthings.blogspot.com and http://www.eclectichomeschool4life.blogspot.com. ~ Ellen
I'm a new follower from Traveling Through Thursday — Thanks for hosting the blog hop!
Following you from the hop!
You can find me at:
Following you from TTTH!
Following me back would be wonderful 🙂
– Ashley