Glossy Paper Flowers | Summer Crafts | The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Glossy Paper Flowers | Summer Crafts | The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Screen shot 2012-07-24 at 6.20.20 PM

Screen shot 2012-07-24 at 6.20.28 PM

In theaters August 15, 2012



  1. kelly nicholson says

    I remember doing this stuff in elementary school..i bet kids dont do it anymore

  2. These are adorable! You are rocking the craft department lately πŸ™‚

  3. Jennifer Hedden says

    I love these! These will be so fun to make with my nieces! Thank you for the great idea!

  4. That is a very cute idea. The granddaughters would love that. Next time they are over they are going to think grammy is so cool. Thanks for sharing. =)

  5. karla-rae krekoski says

    what a cute craft πŸ™‚

  6. helana coddington says

    Thank you for the great crafts, always looking for new ideas since i am a program supervisor at a learning center.

  7. Another cute and easy craft idea!

  8. Jennifer Kreisler says

    I have got to make these for our next b-day party! Beautiful! I have planted pinwheels before but these would be even better. I hav hologram paper that I bought years ago. Now I know what to do with it!

  9. Linda says

    What a great idea!

  10. Lisa Brown says

    Those are so fun! I love this craft project idea. I have loads of magazines, just need the paper fasteners. A perfect project for my niece and nephew when they stop by for a visit.


    Oh what a clever idea, and I especially like how you use handy around the house materials like magazine pages, which cuts down on the costs of kids crafting as well as is so convenient. Our 3 daughters would have loved this.

  12. Michelle Feliciano says

    doing this with my niece. thanks for the idea πŸ™‚

  13. Sarah Osborne says

    How cute πŸ™‚ Pretty fancy for a kid craft.

  14. Chelsey says

    I once made a bouquet of paper flowers for my mom as a kid. These are MUCH prettier. lol My girls will have a blast making them πŸ˜€

  15. kelly willis says

    wow very neat thank you for the idea

  16. Danielle ! says

    These are so cute! I’d like to try them out with my niece next summer.

  17. Jessica Roth says

    Oh! I LOVE this! I am not very crafty but I think that this is something I could do!

  18. Lourdes Guerra says

    Ooo I’d like to alter the pattern and customize it for Christmas cards :]

  19. Gina Brickell says

    Those are so cute!! Love to find crafts like this to do with my son.. He loves doing them!

  20. jamie braun says

    ive always loved these, but never made them! thanks for the directions! i’ll try making them with my girls

  21. marissa lee says

    what a cute ideal..thank you for sharing.

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