The guys on ‘The Big Bang Theory’ have a very fun and playful work dynamic, often joking around with each other and playing games. Because they work at CalTech, most of their jokes revolve around astrophysics and Wolowitz’s lack of a PhD!
My current “work environment” exists in my home. BUT, I spend a good bit of time chatting online with fellow bloggers during the day. We poke fun at each other, laugh at each other’s current predicaments with our children, support each other with ideas and tips and one particular blogger loves to make me pee my pants with a huge BUZZ! out of the blue. Just like the crew in the Big Bang Theory, there is plenty of fun and games at the expense of others but in the end, we have each other’s back.
Pre-order your copy of The Big Bang Theory Season 4 on DVD here
I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Big Bang Theory Season 4 on DVD.
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