In episode 1 of season 2 of The Big Bang Theory, Leonard and Penny go on their first date. Both feel insecure about the date and unbeknownst to them both, each of them has feelings for the other.
When Leonard learns of Penny’s insecurity about her intelligence, he gives her brochures to a local community college and tells her he is fine dating a girl who isn’t smart. Penny abruptly slams the door in his face.
I absolutely love the naivety of Leonard… he honestly had no idea that would upset Penny! Seriously… don’t tell a woman she’s not smart… especially when you are a genius! While on the topic, never tell a woman what your ex-girlfriend did things that she doesn’t, how your mom did things (“My mom always made it like ___”), or how hot the girl that just walked in is. One other thing… never try to minimize our concerns like Leonard did. He deserved the door in his face.
As far as Leonard… I’m pretty sure his slip wasn’t a deal breaker but he’s got some damage control to manage. It’s good for him that they have a good friendship in place. If this were Penny’s first impression of Leonard I think it would be game over.
Make sure to mention that The Big Bang Theory is now on 5 Night a Week and direct all readers to to check their local listings.
I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Big Bang Theory in Syndication.
Exciting! We love big bang theory!