
Reading Programs for Children: An Overview

Reading Programs for Children: An Overview

When it comes to a child’s education, it’s important for parents to fully understand the value of reading skills. While being able to read well is essential to language arts classes, it’s extremely valuable when it comes to other subjects as well. Without the proper reading skills, students are unable to excel in subjects like history and science, and will also have trouble following written instructions and performing other basic tasks. Plus, sub-par reading abilities will lead to confusion and difficulties in everyday situations, which can result in a variety of hardships and complications.

Given the importance of good reading skills, many parents are concerned as to whether or not their children are getting the proper instruction and attention. For these parents, as well as for those who know their children are falling behind in the literacy department, reading programs may be the solution. Keep reading to find out if a literacy tutoring program is right for your child.

readingWhat is a Reading Program?

Basically, a reading program is one designed to teach or enhance literacy skills. In most cases, reading programs offer classes for individuals at all skill levels, including preschoolers just learning to read, as well as non-students looking to enhance reading abilities. For example, most quality literacy programs offer instruction on the following components:

  • Basic handwriting, which includes letter formation, sentence building, etc.
  • Recognizing the sounds of letters, digraphs and blends.
  • Recognizing sight words.
  • Spelling and grammar.
  • Reading comprehension, which typically includes recognizing main ideas and supporting details, drawing conclusions, making inferences and more.
  • Reading and following directions.
  • Developing and nurturing critical thinking skills.
  • Learning to read and retain information at a quicker rate.
  • Forming and expressing opinions on literary works.
  • Building vocabulary.

Typically, before beginning a literacy program, students undergo thorough testing and evaluations. This gives instructors a better understanding of each student’s skill level, instruction needs and learning goals. Based on this information, tutors are able to formulate personalized learning plans, which increase the odds of success by ensuring each student gets the necessary attention and instruction.

Choosing the Right Tutoring Program

There are various types of literacy programs, the most common of which include walk-in instruction centers and online tutoring services. While online programs offer benefits like convenience, in-person instruction is often more effective when it comes to building and perfecting reading skills. Walk-in reading programs provide students with structured lesson plans and one-on-one attention, which can significantly enhance the odds of success.

In addition, there are other factors that can contribute to a student’s success in a particular program. For example, effective, comprehensive programs offer advantages like the following:

  • Each student is evaluated periodically, and parents are kept abreast of their child’s specific needs, achievements, etc.
  • Each student, especially those with special educational needs, is given a significant amount of one-on-one instruction.
  • Students have access to a wide variety of books and resource materials.
  • Students work at their own pace, and are never overwhelmed by lesson plans or other demands.
  • Students are expected to both read and write during each lesson.
  • Instructors utilize a number of methods when it comes to teaching children how to read and enhance literacy skills .
  • Tutoring sessions last at least one hour.
  • Tutors assign work according to each student’s particular needs and skill level.
  • Instructors possess the necessary credentials and experience.
  • Instructors work well with children of all ages, have excellent communication skills, and know how to nurture a love of reading in students.
  • Each student’s work is graded, complete with notes from instructors.

The Benefits of Literacy Programs

Reading programs can provide a number of benefits to students of all ages. A few important advantages include the following:

  • In-depth, one-on-one instruction for children with learning disabilities or other special needs.
  • Instruction for students who, for whatever reason, have fallen behind in school.
  • Specialized tutoring for advanced students who, during regular school hours, may not be getting the attention they need to flourish.
  • Preparation for standardized testing. This includes ACT and SAT preparation.
  • Tutoring for children who are about to make the transition to middle school, high school or college.
  • Instruction during the summer months and holiday breaks, when many students need help reinforcing lessons learned during the school year.

And there you have it: everything you need to know about literacy programs for children and young adults. With the information provided here, you’re better equipped to decide on a program that will best suit the educational needs of your child. Good luck and happy reading!



  1. judy gardner says

    sounds very beneficial, my sister might take advantage of this for her little girl.

  2. Alex Turpen says

    I’ve always said that if you can read you can do anything. Every subject in school is difficult without good reading skills. Even math! Reading is so important to me and my family. We all love to read. We enjoy reading for education and for recreation!

  3. Stacey Roberson says

    I think developing a reading program early in life in essential. We try to read to our little guy every night, since he was an infant.

  4. Nikki says

    Do check out the guided reading program for kids from Snap! Learning. It is on Sale now for homeschoolers.

  5. You really do have a lot of great info here. I’m in the middle of teaching my four-year-old how to read and write, and I definitely need some tips.

  6. Sarah L says

    Reading is the most important skill for a child to learn. Everything else follows.

  7. ellen beck says

    I am for anything that helps children learn and one of the very best ways is to promote literacy. Make learning fun and make sure it is always positive. Read to them and for goodness sakes read yourself so they know reading is enjoyable.

  8. marissa lee says

    such an amazing program my princess will surely benefit from this..

  9. Michelle F. says

    Great information. Will keep this for when my daughter is older.

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