Personalized Plant Pokes | Rainy Day Fun | The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Personalized Plant Pokes

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Screen shot 2012-07-24 at 6.45.02 PM

In Theaters August 15, 2012



  1. Ahhh Love it! And so simple and cute and affordable!

  2. That is such a cute idea. My granddaughters would just love this . Thanks for sharing.

  3. Jennifer Hedden says

    These are so cute. I can’t wait to make these for my garden next year. Thank you for sharing this fun craft.

  4. Abi R. says

    cute idea, thanks for posting!

  5. I’d always think I didn’t need to mark what was planted where. And then things would start popping up, and I realized how wrong I’d been. It’s always wise to mark things, and this is a cute way to do it.

  6. karla-rae krekoski says

    these are very cute! we are starting a garden next year ill have to keep these in mind πŸ™‚

  7. Claudia M says

    what a neat idea ! this would also make a great gift – thanks

  8. Farrah says

    How cute—adding it to my list of Spring Crafts for next year!

  9. Linda says

    Great ideas love it

  10. This is super cute! I’m gonna try this out after we move next month! My daughter has her own mint and lavender, this would be perfect to put in the pots.

  11. Lisa Brown says

    Very nice craft idea. Lots of versatility with it and it is super easy πŸ™‚

  12. These are adorable and I am definately going to make it with my little one!

  13. KT says

    Love this idea! And its inexpensive too. We will have to add this to our craft list! Thank you

  14. Elena V says

    So cute and useful at the same time!

  15. Michelle Feliciano says

    Such a cute idea.

  16. I am thinking about starting a garden and my kids love to be involved in anything I do. I think this would be a great idea for them to feel involved.

  17. Jennifer Mae Hiles says

    You’re so crafty and think of such cute ideas! We could make these for our indoor plants since Fall is coming. The girls would have so much fun painting them and having “their own plant”!

  18. shanon hyatt says

    These plant pokes are absolutely cute & fun any kid(s)would have a blast making these to advertize there plants and flowers. What a great Idea- Personalized plant pokes-need too share this with the school for craft Ideas-Thanks for sharing:)

  19. Rich Hicks says

    great idea and fun project to do with kids. THey are practicle and no more wondering what did I just plant!

  20. Amber Nara says

    I love this idea! What a great post!! Thank You for sharing, I am looking forward to doing this with the kiddos!! This is a great idea for the end of my garden rows! πŸ˜‰

  21. nicole lewis says

    Love this idea, i am going to use it this spring when planting time comes for the garden again

  22. Barbara Hulme says

    I have made these, kids just love them πŸ™‚

  23. Sarah L says

    I’d never heard them called plant pokes before but it’s a great name. Fun activity to go in the garden.

  24. Andrea Byrne says

    we plan on having a garden next summer, what a great idea to help the kids become involved a bit more!

  25. Erin R. says

    This is a really cute idea, I think I’ll be using this similar craft when I make the garden this spring. What a great idea, thanks for sharing it!

  26. Rebecca Hammock says

    This would be perfect for the kids to make for their grandma. I know she would love it too.

  27. cute with spoons too

  28. Elena says

    these are so cute!

  29. Holly Trudeau says

    What a cute idea! Not only would it help me organize my garden but the kiddos will love knowing that they have their own little section in it! Thanks for sharing

  30. jamie braun says

    well these are super adorable and look easy to make! the toothbrush is a neat idea! cant wait till spring so we could use them!

  31. Tammy Schiff says

    These are the cutest things ever! They would make a great Father’s day gift. I am going to have my kids make them for my fater in-law for his garden for Father’s Day. Thanks for sharing!!

  32. courtney b says

    cute idea! i’m gonna save it for when the kids are bored…

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