Serene Sunday

Take today to sit back, relax, and count your blessings.... make it a serene Sunday. … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday… Pirate fun!

My prize from AndTwinsMake5 came today...  Ethan spotted it on the porch and kept trying to tell me it was here. It was torture for him to watch, but his big sister and I got it put together quickly... THANK YOU Stephanie!! Ethan loves it! … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday… 22 years ago

22 year ago (today!) I married (eloped with) my high school sweetheart.... who is also, the love of my life. Happy Anniversary my love. The best is yet to come! … [Read more...]

Fresh from the garden… and some questions!

Jason and I decided to plant a garden this year. We have developed a great appreciation for vegetables and we were hoping for a bountiful harvest! We wanted to start small though, so we planted cucumbers (my absolute favorite!), tomatoes, green peppers and pumpkins (mainly for fun, but hopefully for Halloween!).  Our tomatoes have grown nice big green tomatoes, but they just weren't ripening. Not a single red tomato to date (well, maybe 2-3 … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday…

Welcome to (almost) Wordless Wednesday... Taken just after opening his birthday present (I still am in denial he's TWO today!) He was saying "Look Mommy!"  … [Read more...]

Muffin Tin Tuesday…

In an effort to make lunch a little more fun, I declared today"Muffin Tin Tuesday!" My goal... to make lunch a little more fun and hopefully the munchkins would actually eat more than a bird :O). I took an ordinary muffin tin... added strawberriesgoldfish crackerscucumber slicesyogurt to dip the strawberries inranch dressing to dip the cucumbers inPBJ made on pumpernickel bread cut into star shapes So, how did I do? Emma seemed to … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday…

I was sifting through my memory card looking for something cute to share and found something VERY interesting! I hope you enjoy... What happens when a 3 1/2 year old gets ahold of your camera? (sorry, couldn't choose just one :O) hmmmm, looks like it was in HER room! lol That's a great look for you Emma! Getting better with the focus! It seems we've made it to the living room now! Nice foot … [Read more...]

A visit with a long lost friend…

Yesterday would have been my sweet baby Emilee's 19th birthday. She graced our lives for five days, but left us with a lifetime of memories. I spent a lot of time reflecting on things yesterday. How our lives would have been different if she had lived. Would we have had the remainder of our children when we did? Who would she look like? Would she be in college like Kaytlin? She was a fighter, of this I'm sure. She taught me to value  even the … [Read more...]

Once upon a time…

Okay, I did it. I set up a blog, now what? I have no idea LOL. The name? Yes, it's funny... but it's something I've been saying for years now. I think I started loving coupons about 10 years ago. Remember all of the awesome internet coupons and freebies that were rolling out right and left? Most were stackable too! and their $15 off $15, and their $10 off $10, and their $5 off $5 etc. That was an awesome … [Read more...]