Getting Organized with M by Staples Arc Customizable Notebook

Stay Organized with M by Staples Arc Customizable Notebook Samples received. All opinions are my own. I am a visual person, so to stay organized I try to write down everything. Unfortunately writing down everything can get confusing and cluttery. The M by Staples customizable notebook turns into your very own individual, organizing system making it easier (and prettier!) than ever to get and stay organized. I was sent several pieces to … [Read more...]

Connect With Your Child with Vtech Innotab 3S Premium Kid Connect

Vtech Innotab 3S Premium Kid Connect Last month I told you about our experience with the new Innotab 3S Wi-Fi Learning Tablet. It is an amazing learning tool for your child, but did you know that the Innotab 3S is the only tablet with the Premium Kid Connect. The Premium Kid Connect app allows preschoolers as young as three to send voice messages to parents’ smartphones, from a kid-safe, kid-friendly tablet. Kids can also send text … [Read more...]

Residence Hall Linens Student Starter Pak #GIVEAWAY | CLOSED

Residence Hall Linens Student Starter Pak This post brought to you by All opinions are my own. The holidays are right around the corner and if you’re like me... you’ve already started your lists (and your shopping!). The older kids on my list have always been harder (or more expensive) to shop for. From past experience (and current with my oldest daughter) I’ve found that poor college students generally get by with minimal … [Read more...]

Sponsored Video | Unilever Presents Project Sunlight #BrightFuture

Unilever Presents Project Sunlight This post is sponsored by Unilever I was very young when we were pregnant with our first child. Twenty years old, still in college and I never really experienced the “real world” (outside school). I distinctly remember the fear and anticipation of bringing a child into the world. Those feelings went beyond my own capabilities... they extended into the “Why bring a child into this world?”, “Will there be much … [Read more...]

Universal Orlando Resort: All New Interactive Online Family Vacation Planner‏

Universal Orlando Resort: All New Interactive Online Family Vacation Planner‏ I was not compensated for this post. I am sharing because easy vacation planning is fabulous! Universal Orlando Resort is launching a new online vacation planner to help guests plan their Universal Orlando vacation in a fun and interactive way -- all from the comfort of their home. The vacation planner allows guests to completely customize their vacation and have … [Read more...]

Sponsored Video | Be The Most Epic Parent EVER | Power Wheels

This post is sponsored by Power Wheels   When constructing my holiday gift list I take a lot of things into account. First... I go through my mental list of items my children have mentioned throughout the past few months that they wanted. Then... I go through the catalogs and mailers that my children have tirelessly gone through and circled their wishes. Of course cost is an issue, but once I’ve narrowed down my list I … [Read more...]

Holiday Gift Guide 2013 | Joovy Single Cocoon Stroller Review

Joovy Single Cocoon Stroller The Joovy Cocoon has been on my wish list for some time. I spend quite a bit of time outdoors with my children (unfortunately it's snowy here in Canada right now!) and I wanted to have a stroller that would be comfortable for them but yet protect them from the elements. Out of the box there is a little assembly required. It took me about 10 min with the help of the easy to follow instructions to put the Cocoon … [Read more...]

Holiday Gift Guide 2013 | Ninja Ultima Blender

Holiday Gift Guide 2013 | Ninja Ultima Blender Sample received for review purposes. All opinions are my own. I absolutely LOVE my smoothies, and so does the rest of my family. In the past I have burnt out 4 blenders because of my love of smoothies. I like to add ice to them and there aren't many blenders that can handle crushing ice... even if it says it will. I was recently sent a Ninja Ultima Blender to put to the test. When it arrived I … [Read more...]

Holiday Gift Guide 2013 | PlayMG Handheld Android Gaming Device

Holiday Gift Guide 2013 | PlayMG Handheld Android Gaming Device My phone is not my own. As much as I chanted to myself that I would not share my smart phone with my littles.... it happened. I fought it... I really did. But, it happened one day in a dressing room when I needed five minutes to myself to try on a few pieces of clothing for a trip. The children had been shopping with me for longer than they liked and they needed a little … [Read more...]

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) Kidco Extra Tall and Wide Auto Close Gate Review | #GIVEAWAY | ends 11/22 Graco Pack 'n Play Playard with Cuddle Cove Rocking … [Read more...]