Tiny Prints Holiday Cards | #TinyPrintsCheer

Tiny Prints Holiday Cards This post is part of a sponsored campaign with Those Media Girls and Tiny Prints. All thoughts and opinions are my own It’s that time of year again... time to send out holiday cards to friends and loved ones. Our family has generally purchased some off the shelf cards on clearance the year before and stuffed it with one or two of our favorite photos from the past year. Lately that has just seemed so blasé. There were … [Read more...]

Pop Chef Review | Push, Pop, Eat!

Pop Chef Sample item received for review. All opinions are my own. I've been trying to come up with creative ways to make school lunches and snacks more interesting. I noticed the Pop Chef and thought that it would be a great product to make foods more fun. I got a chance to review the Pop Chef and from the moment it came out of the box, my youngest has been obsessed with it. She wants me to make shapes out of everything! There have … [Read more...]

Take a Holiday From Headaches | $100 Amex GC #GIVEAWAY | ends 1/1

 Take a Holiday From Headaches I wrote this post in connection with the Excedrin Ambassador Program and was given a promotional item to thank me for my time. All views and opinions with regard to the products or company itself are my own and were not influenced, nor reviewed, by the company prior to posting. We all look forward to the sights, smells, foods, beverages and merriment associated with the holiday season. However, with all the … [Read more...]

Flutterbye Fairy

 Flutterbye Fairy Sample received for review. All opinions are my own. I first heard about Flutterbye Fairy by Spin Master from my daughter who had seen the advertisement on TV and was so excited about it.  She kept telling me it was magic.  So when Spin Master offered to send us a fairy to review I had to say yes. We received the Purple Stardust fairy.  When our fairy arrived I was immediately impressed by its looks.  She is beautiful and … [Read more...]

Braun Forehead Thermometer Review

Braun Forehead Thermometer Review Sample product was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own. Cold and flu season is upon us and I think that a good trustworthy thermometer on hand is a necessity. Braun sent me their Forehead Thermometer for a review. The box says that it is easy to use and reads in seconds... that is a must on my list when looking for a thermometer. It is hard for me to get my little ones to sit still long … [Read more...]

Walking With Dinosaurs #WalkingWithDinosaurs

WALKING WITH DINOSAURS In Theaters December 20 I received a promotional item for posting. All opinions are my own. For the first time in movie history, audiences will truly see and feel what it was like when dinosaurs ruled the Earth. WALKING WITH DINOSAURS is the ultimate immersive, big screen adventure for families. Meet dinosaurs more real than you've ever seen as you take off on a thrilling prehistoric adventure, where Patchi, an … [Read more...]

#WIN $250 or $500 Amazon GC New Years Cash From pickURgift

PickURgift This post brought to you by pickURgift. All opinions are my own. Gift shopping is supposed to be fun. For me, it’s all about finding something that the recipient would really enjoy... something that would make their day. Sometimes, though, gift shopping can be ultra stressful. Just this past weekend we were shopping for a gift and I was wishing that I could just ask the birthday kiddo (actually considered sending photos via … [Read more...]

iDeaPLAY Childrens Tablet

iDeaPLAY Childrens Tablet Sample received for review purposes. All opinions are my own.   As a parent of electronically savvy children, I have been on a mission to find a satisfactory substitution for my own tablets and phone for my kiddos. I was recently given the opportunity to try out the new iDeaPLAY tablet for kids. As you can see, out of the box it comes with the tablet, a charger, micro USB cable, USB dongle, a protective … [Read more...]

Holiday Gift Guide 2013 | Baby Alive Better Now Baby Review

Holiday Gift Guide 2013 | Baby Alive Better Now Baby Review Sample received for review. All opinions are my own. My 3 year old daughter is all about being a mommy. She LOVES her babies and does everything with her babies that she sees me doing with my 4 month old. From changing it's diaper, rocking her baby, taking her baby for a walk, to nursing her baby. Her babies are so real to her I love watching her imagination at  work when she … [Read more...]

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) Residence Hall Linens Student Starter Pak ends 12/6 $300 from H&R Block ends 12/6 Energizer Batteries ends 12/6 … [Read more...]