I received a copy of Saving Mr Banks on Blu-ray Combo Pack to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own. Chances are, if you're a Disney fan, you've already seen Saving Mr. Banks, the story of how P.L. Travers' book Mary Poppins transitioned from a story based on her youth to the Disney spectacular we all know and love today. (Unless you're like me and have young kids at home and miss the majority of movies in theaters because … [Read more...]
Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky
Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) American Girl Isabelle Doll & Book #Giveaway | ends 3/17 Vtech CS6859 Cordless Phone | Phone & $100 Walmart GC … [Read more...]
Need For Speed Review #NFSMovie
I saw an advanced screening of Need For Speed thanks to Disney. All opinions are my own. During our trip to LA, we were treated to an advanced screening of the new movie Need For Speed (in theaters today), starring Aaron Paul. Check out the trailer first, and then we'll get to my review: If you're like me, the first time you saw the trailer for Need For Speed (yes, it's based on the video game of the same name), or heard about the film, … [Read more...]
Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 500 3LCD Projector Silver Edition
My husband and I sometimes tease each other about purchasing the largest screen television possible and making a “movie wall” in our lower living room. If we were to remove the television that is mounted on that wall right now we’d have a fabulous canvas for it! That’s why when I was offered an Epson Home Cinema 500 to review I jumped at the chance. The Epson Silver Edition home theater projector offers amazing home entertainment from a … [Read more...]
Bringing Disney’s Frozen to Life through Voiceover #FrozenBluRay
Disclosure: I am covering this all-expenses paid trip on behalf of Disney. All opinions are my own, even when talking points are suggested. Our trip to Disney Animation Studios would not have been complete without a trip to the voiceover department. There, we met Gabriel Guy, Original Dialogue Mixer for Frozen. Gabe walked us through the recording and mixing process. The actors are recorded prior to animation. This does two things 1) it … [Read more...]
Philips Sonicare for Kids | #WIN a Sonicare for Kids | #PowerToKids
Brushing is a hugely important activity that many children have a difficult time perfecting. My Ethan, who is 5 1/2, still has a hard time understanding that you have to brush more than one area and to do so, you must move the brush around in more than one place. That’s why when Philips offered to send Ethan a Sonicare for Kids electric toothbrush to review I jumped at the chance. Have the confidence to let your child take charge of improving … [Read more...]
Early Spring Cleaning | Replacing What Doesn’t Work
A gift card was received, all opinions are my own. The temperatures here in Missouri are finally hitting the 70 degree range. The windows are finally open, the birds are chirping, trees and flowers are budding up. Ahhhhhh SPRING! It’s amazing how my attitude and focus changes with the weather/temperature change. Now, I am itching to start Spring cleaning! Part of my Spring cleaning process is to evaluate each of my rooms. What is working, … [Read more...]
Harry & David For Your Next Social Get Together
Spring brings people together often for social occasions and celebrations. The weather is getting nicer and people are starting to emerge from their caves hoping to enjoy weather and more sunshine. With St. Patrick’s Day and Easter just around the corner, thoughts of treats and hostess gifts are floating through your head. Now is the time to start browsing through Harry & David for a special treat to bring! I live with a family of popcorn … [Read more...]
Homemade Coconut Birds Nest Cupcakes Recipe
Homemade Coconut Birds Nest Cupcakes Recipe Our extended family typically has a gathering right around Easter. We all bring yummy foods and the desserts are usually the highlight. I used to spend days making a fancy cake, but recently decided that these cupcakes were just as cute... and they were much easier to make as well! If you are avoiding boxed cakes mixes because of the crap they add to the mix, this homemade recipe is one you will … [Read more...]