Food, program and supporting material provided by Nutrisystem. Always consult with your doctor before starting any weight loss program. This is a personal account of our experience and not intended as medical advice. Mother’s Day, birthdays... they are always fun occasions, but they also are eating holidays. Kaytlin’s birthday brought with it a dinner out. Fortunately we were able to indulge in a yummy chocolate cupcake instead of … [Read more...]
Helping Children Handle Their Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes, and we start making them at a very young age. What is different about the mistakes that we make is how we handle them, and this is something that we learn at the same age we start making them. As parents it is our responsibility to teach our children how to handle the big and little mistakes that they make. Turns out that the best way to help children handle these mistakes has a lot to do with the way we handle them … [Read more...]
No More What’s That Smell? | Tide Simply Clean and Fresh with Baking Soda
This post brought to you by Global Influence. All opinions are my own. If you’ve ever opened a gym bag that belongs to a teenage boy, you will totally understand what I’m about to tell you. My son is 17. He is a physically active guy. He loves to work out, plays soccer for the high school, runs on occasion and works outdoors at the local amusement park in the games department (yes, even in 100 degree weather). All of these situations … [Read more...]
$250 Amazon GC #GIVEAWAY | ends 5/28
Welcome to the $250 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway, generously sponsored by Kinsights and hosted by Viva Veltoro & Thrifty Nifty Mommy! Kinsights is THE destination for engaged, savvy parents to share advice and information to help make parenting easier. Kinsights is a free online community where parents can safely seek and share answers to parenting questions. Ask anything and Kinsights will find the right community members who can provide … [Read more...]
Sponsored | FarmVille 2 is Going Mobile | Country Escape
This post has been sponsored by Zynga, but concerns our own opinion Do you have a little extra time and are looking for a game that is somewhat mindless (aka easy) and fun to play? Years ago my daughter, aunt, and I were addicted to FarmVille. We spent hours upon hours planning out our farm, planting our crops, harvesting... it was mindless but FUN! Now FarmVille has an upgrade... it’s Farmville 2 Country Escape. But wait, it gets … [Read more...]
Home Collection by Post-it® Brand, Scotch® Brand and Command™ Brands
Home Collection by Post-it® Brand, Scotch® Brand and Command™ Brands is Organizing My Kitchen and My Life We have been using Post-it® Products in our household for years. I use them to help remember a brain storm or important events like doctor’s appointments and field trips. I actually can’t remember back to when we didn’t have Post-it® Notes in our house. I was recently made aware of the new Home Collection by Post-it® Brand, Scotch® Brand … [Read more...]
Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky
Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) Kolcraft Cloud Umbrella Stroller | #GIVEAWAY | ends 5/16 Tech Gifts for Mothers Day | Nokia Phone & Tablet #GIVEAWAY RV $913 … [Read more...]
Duracell GoPower Day Trip and Long Haul Battery Backup
Are you always on the go? We rely on our smart phones a lot whether it's for business, personal, or keeping track of our schedules. When on the go I often find myself on the hunt to find somewhere to plug in so the worst doesn't happen… a dead battery! I was sent the GoPower Day Trip and the GoPower Long Haul to try for myself. Both of these portable batteries are so compact and light that you can take them literally anywhere with … [Read more...]
Karson Turns 6 | Rainbow Waffles and Lego Party Ideas
My oldest just turned 6 in April, and the theme he picked for his birthday party was Lego. We started out his birthday morning with some rainbow waffles that I found on It was so simple to do... Make your waffle mix as normal, split your batter into 4 ziplock bags and then add food coloring. (I used green, blue, yellow and red. Squish and mix the color all in.) When your waffle maker is heated up and ready snip a … [Read more...]
12 Musical Titles Available on Netflix | #StreamTeam
12 Musical Titles Available on Netflix My love of musicals started back when I saw my first drive in movie... The Jungle Book. Although not a “true” musical, it was a musical for kids. As a pre-teen I fell in love with Sandy and Danny in Grease... and so the obsession kicked in. My Barbies performed many a musical during those years and I could probably have recited the words to Grease verbatim if asked. That’s why I was excited to see it on … [Read more...]