Huggies Little Movers Review

I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central for Huggies. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.#MovingMoments #MC Huggies Little Movers Review I took a shopping trip to Target last week and found some awesome fashion for myself and picked up the Huggies Little Movers in size 4 for my daughter. Of course, the Target shopping experience was awesome! If the … [Read more...]

Wizard of Oz at Starlight Theater | Kansas City Missouri | June 10-15

THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD LEADS TO STARLIGHT THEATRE National tour arrives June 10-15, features new songs by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Tim Rice I’m excited to share that my husband and I will be attending the Wizard of Oz at Starlight June 10th... a perfect night out the day before his birthday! A story from both our childhoods brought to the stage to entertain all ages!   Starlight Theatre is proud to open its 64th Broadway season with the … [Read more...]

4 eco-friendly car tips to get you back on the road

4 eco-friendly car tips to get you back on the road You put your vehicle through a lot this winter, but the warmer weather is finally here and that means you can enjoy driving once again. Below are some eco-friendly car tips to get your back on the road and enjoying the upcoming summer months ahead. 1. Wash your car at a professional car wash. Winter months can be especially hard on your vehicle and washing your car is an easy first step … [Read more...]

10 Tips for Running The Color Run with Kids

Tickets and swag provided by The Color Run and their official sponsor, Shout! All opinions are my own. 10 Tips for Running The Color Run The Color Run is toted to be the Happiest 5K on the Planet. I was confident it was the perfect ‘race’ to start my littles on because there is absolutely no timed pressure and the focus is to have a great time while walking/running those 3 miles. Below is a list of 10 tips I accrued during this walk/run … [Read more...]

Ladybug Pretzels Recipe

Ladybug Pretzels Recipe Have a birthday party or get together coming up? These fun ladybug pretzels are adorable and super yummy, too. Quick and easy to make, you’ll be happy to whip them up for any occasion. You will need: 24 Mini Pretzels 1 cup Red Candy Melting Chips 24 Beown M&Ms 48 Candy Eyes or Mini White chocolate Chips 96 Black candy Pearls Lay the pretzels out on a wax paper lined cookie sheet. Heat Red Candy … [Read more...]

10 Summer Outdoor Activities

10 Summer Outdoor Activities The kids are finally out of school and enjoying their playtime outside. I know the “I’m bored” responses are going to be headed my way soon... so I thought I’d share a few summer outdoor activities I suggest to my own kids to get them off the couch. 1. Swing: This can be a tradition swing on a swingset, or consider fashioning an old tire and rope to a tree, or even just a rope hanging from a tree with a few large … [Read more...]

Fathers Day Gifts for the Handyman In Your Life

Fathers Day Gifts for the Handyman In Your Life This post brought to you by All opinions are my own. It seems like my husband is always constructing or fixing something around our house. He’s made loft beds in two of our kid’s rooms. When the beds came down he made raised vegetable garden beds out of the scrap lumber for me. When he purchased a bee hive for us I mentioned I’d like a window on the side so we didn’t … [Read more...]

Nutrisystem Weigh In Week 7 | Before & Current Pics

Food, program and supporting material provided by Nutrisystem. Always consult with your doctor before starting any weight loss program. This is a personal account of our experience and not intended as medical advice.   So much has happened since my last post. I had decided that my clothes were fitting me a bit awkwardly so Kaytlin and I went shopping for a few new items for me. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was down a size at … [Read more...]

Bissell Symphony All In One Vacuum and Steam Mop

Bissell Symphony All In One Vacuum and Steam Mop Sample received for review. All opinions are my own. In our home, we have a large dog and three young kids. One of the best decisions we have made was to replace the carpet in our house with laminate flooring. Our main floor is entirely laminate or linoleum. I have tried several different hard floor cleaning options over the past five years. The two I always end up going back to is a vacuum and … [Read more...]

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) … [Read more...]