Enjoy Family Time With Game Night Samples received for review. All opinions are my own. Toys “R”Us, Hasbro and Duracell are all brands I shop, use and love. When I heard that they were teaming up to celebrate Family Game Night I knew I wanted to join them! Whether it’s a rainy day, cool evening or a night that the whole family is together, pulling out a board game is a great way to enjoy some quality family time together. In this … [Read more...]
The FIRST in First Aid Puracyn Wound & Skin Care | Summer Firsts Facebook #GIVEAWAY | ends 7/24 | #PuracynFirst
<align="center">This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. I received one 4 oz. spray bottle of Puracyn® OTC Wound & Skin Care and a branded first aid kit. All opinions, text and experiences are my own. Summer brings back all kinds of fond memories. One of my favorite summer firsts was taking my daughter to the beach for the first time. Listening to her giggle as she experienced the … [Read more...]
My New Gadget Companion and 4 Must Have Apps | #Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 | #vzwbuzz
My New Gadget Companion | #Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 | #vzwbuzz As a member of the #VzwBuzz influencer team, I received the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with line of service from Verizon. No additional compensation was provided nor did I promise positive feedback. All opinions are my own. I have been sharing my unfaltering adoration of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with you for months now. It’s so much more than a phone to me. It’s my virtual … [Read more...]
My #VacayGoneCrayCray Vacation Story
My #VacayGoneCrayCray Story | Share Yours to #WIN $10k CONTEST This post brought to you by Choice Hotels. All opinions are my own. Our family is really quite fortunate when it comes to “vacations gone awry” stories... we really only have one vacation that ended in the pooper. It was in 2006. Yep, 8 years ago! This was pre-Emma and pre-Ethan. I was actually around 5 months pregnant with Emma. We had decided to take one last camping trip … [Read more...]
Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky
Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) Planes Fire and Rescue Now at Kohl's | $100 Kohl's GC #GIVEAWAY | ends 6/30 | #Sponsored #MC #MagicAtPlay Cate & Chloe … [Read more...]
Stop Tugging The Cord With the Hoover Air Cordless Vacuum | #RethinkCleaning
This post brought to you by Lunchbox. All opinions are my own. Vacuuming is not one of my favorite chores. It never has been, really. It’s loud, kicks up dust and tugging that dang cord trying to make it reach that last few inches in the room annoys the heck out of me. I know I’m not the only one. Come one, be honest... are your prongs bent, too? Hoover heard our cries... introducing the Hoover Air Cordless. Cordless. … [Read more...]
Little Tikes Rocky Mountain River Race Water Slide Bouncer
Little Tikes Rocky Mountain River Race Water Slide Bouncer Sample product received for review purposes. All opinions are my own. My kids and their boundless energy exhausts me. I can only handle so much time at the pool, but often times they are still begging to do something. When the weather is scorching and the kids want to get wet... an inflatable water slide with two slides and a climbing wall are in order! The Little Tikes Rocky … [Read more...]
Joovy Scooter 2014 Edition | #JoovyScooter #ScooterStroll
Joovy Scooter 2014 Edition | #JoovyScooter #ScooterStroll Sample received for review. All opinions are my own. Joovy has added to their family of strollers, introducing their Scooter 2014 available in 4 great colors. I was sent the Scooter 2014 in Blueberry and the Scooter tray (sold separately). Out of the box there is a small bit of assembly required, but it came together fairly quick. The Scooter is rated for a maximum child … [Read more...]
Get Date Night Hair Every Day With Suave Professionals #DateNightHair #AD
Get Date Night Hair Every Day With Suave Professionals This post sponsored by Lunchbox, all opinions are my own. My hair goes through endless amounts of abuse to achieve “the look” I’m after. Highlights, blow dryers, curling irons, gel and hair spray. Even after almost 26 years of marriage, I still fret in the bathroom getting ready for a “date night” with my husband. Even after all of the primping, it never fails that my … [Read more...]
Sponsored | Stop Waiting In Line and Start Enjoying Your Coffee | International Delights Iced Coffee
This post has been sponsored by International Delights Iced Coffee, but all opinions are our own. I have a sign on the wall of my kitchen that reads, “I haven’t had my coffee yet. Don’t make me kill you.” My family got it for me as a joke gift, but it couldn’t be more true. To their surprise I proudly display it on my wall. My children know that it’s best to not start jabbering at Mommy until she’s had at least half of her … [Read more...]