Rock Your Kids Lunchbox with Honest Kids

Rock Your Kids Lunchbox with Honest Kids Promotional items and product coupons received for review only. All opinions are my own. This year, my youngest baby started school. Not only is he my youngest, he is also my pickiest when it comes to eating. Ethan is a self proclaimed vegetarian. He will not eat meat. His decision. So, the daunting task of school lunches was hanging in front of me. WHAT do I feed this child? PBJ... every … [Read more...]

The World of Eric Carle Clothing Now at Gymboree

Sample received for review. All opinions are my own. I've always had a fondness for Eric Carle books. My children adored The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Very Quiet Cricket and they both have a permanent place on our book shelf. When Gymboree emailed to let me know that they were introducing a play and sleepwear line inspired by Eric Carle's children's books I couldn't resist. Gymboree's Gymmies/Sleapwear have always been a … [Read more...]

#WIN | $350 Amazon Gift Card Sweepstakes | ends 10/2

Welcome to the $350 Amazon Gift Card Sweepstakes. Did you know that there are only 16 weeks until Christmas?! Yep... the countdown has begun. $350 to shop with at Amazon would take a decent chunk out of your shopping list! That's why I joined up with these lovely ladies to bring this fabulous giveaway your way!!! Stop by and say hello to our lovely host blogs: Mom to Bed by 8 ♥ PictureIt Creations ♥ Barbara's Beat ♥ Failing Perfect ♥ … [Read more...]

Summer FUN | How We Showed Our #JuicyFruitFunSide

Summer FUN | How We Showed Our #JuicyFruitFunSide A huge thank you to Juicy Fruit for sponsoring today's conversation. All opinions are my own. As August arrived, I realized that our summer was fading fast. Unlike when I was a child, our local schools open their doors in mid August. With the kids taking summer school throughout the month of June, that left us with all of July and half of August to enjoy the sun and make the most of our … [Read more...]

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) Now Your Princess Can Build Her OWN Castle with GoldieBlox | GoldieBlox #GIVEAWAY | ends 9/5 | #lookatGoldie Nescafe Dolce Gusto … [Read more...]

Crystalift System Microdermabrasian Review

Crystalift System Microdermabrasian Review Samples were provided for review purposes. All opinions are my own.  Microdermabrasion is a way to buff off layers of dead skin. I have noticed that microdermabrasion is now part of most facials as a way to make them more effective. I like being able to do facials in my own home because it saves money and time which as a new mom are extremely precious. You can use it on the face, chest, neck, arms or … [Read more...]

#WIN Six Months of Diaper and Wipes Delivery | ends 9/12

  #WIN Six Months of Diaper and Wipes Delivery How many new time parents think about all the diapers they need. Even parents that have had more than one child remember the hundreds and hundreds of diapers they need while your little one is growing up. Have diapers on your list grocery list constantly or perhaps you are planning on a new edition to your family soon? Well, check out this AWESOME company that will DELIVER diapers and … [Read more...]

It’s a SELFIE Contest #WIN $175 Walmart GC | $1 Suave Coupon | ends 10/15

 Thank you to Lunchbox for sponsoring today's conversation. All opinions are my own. A selfie as defined by the Urban Dictionary: Growing up, we never even considered trying to take our own photo. Heck, I grew up in the age of no computers, no cell phones and no social media (Thank goodness! Could you imagine the dirt your kids would have on YOU?). Nowadays... taking selfies has become an everyday occurrence and a widespread … [Read more...]

Effortless Meals for Your Busy Back to School Schedule #sp

Thanks to The Coca-Cola Company for sponsoring today's conversation. All opinions are my own. Can you believe back to school season is right around the corner (for some of us already here)? I decided to make the best of what was left of our summer and the kids and I went to spend some quality time together with the animals a nearby zoo. Although we had a blast checking out all the animals, riding the train and the merry go round and even … [Read more...]

Our Cats Love Purina Beyond

This post brought to you by Triad Retail Media. The content and opinions expressed below are that of This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Triad Retail Media. All opinions are 100% mine. My family has been making a conscious effort to watch what foods we purchase, prepare and eat. It is surprising at how much crud is actually in our food, without us knowing it. Blinding selecting options at the store is … [Read more...]