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Nutrisystem Week 5 Weigh In

Food, program and supporting material provided by Nutrisystem. Always consult with your doctor before starting any weight loss program. This is a personal account of our experience and not intended as medical advice.

Mother’s Day, birthdays… they are always fun occasions, but they also are eating holidays.

Kaytlin’s birthday brought with it a dinner out. Fortunately we were able to indulge in a yummy chocolate cupcake instead of dessert at the restaurant, thanks to Nutrisystem, that evening. It’s from their fresh/frozen line and it hits the spot when you’re wanting cake!

Mother’s Day weekend I totally went off track. IHop and yummies at home, but I did my best to not over indulge will doing so.

I’m slowly learning that portion sizes are a huge key to weight loss and management.

I did great this week!

My weight loss:

week 1 – 10 pounds -10
week 2 – .8 – 10.8 total
week 3 – 3 – 13.8 total
week 4 + .6 – 13.2 total
week 5 – 3.8 – 17  total


Kaytlin has finally finished finals and has been home relaxing this week with her old mom. We are back on track and enjoying our time together.

As she is headed back home and starting back to work she will be checking back in with her loss when she gets back to her own scale.

We are both determined to make this summer a successful one!


Kaytlin’s loss:

week 1 – 2.8 pounds – 2.8
week 2 – 1 – 3.8 total
week 3 – 2 – 5.8 total
week 4 – .2 – 6 total
week 5 TBA TBA

We are excited to see what week 6 has in store for us! I’m chugging along on my way to the 20 pound mark. Wish me luck!

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