New to Exercising? Here’s How to Avoid Injuries and Stay Safe

It’s never too late to exercise; it’s never too late to start your health journey for the better, really. Whether you’re opting to create your own home gym or even get yourself a membership, you can absolutely expect that you’ll be reaping the benefits that exercise provides. But with that said, there’s one thing that should still be pointed out, and that’s the fact that not only are you going to expect plenty of soreness as someone who’s newly getting into exercising, but you can also expect the potential for an injury, too.

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When you’re first starting out, it might be challenging to figure out what’s the difference between regular muscle soreness and a full-blown injury. But for anyone that’s new to all of this, one important thing to keep in mind is how important it is to be cautious and to stay safe. So, how can you be sure you can avoid injuries? Well, here’s everything you need to know!

Always Talk to Your Doctor First

This advice gets thrown around so much, but there’s actually a lot of truth to this! You seriously need to talk to your doctor before you make any health-altering decisions. You especially need to talk to them if you have pre-existing medical conditions or concerns/ They can assess your health status, provide recommendations, and clear you for exercise. 

So, why do you need to do this? Well, this initial step ensures you’re choosing activities that align with your physical capabilities and medical history. Seriously, not all bodies are the same; you might need compression arm sleeves for your joints when others your age might not need them. Your doctor will be able to tell you what you can and can’t do when it comes to exercising. 

Go Slow and Have Gradual Progress

One of the most common mistakes new exercisers make is pushing themselves too hard, especially too soon. You’ll be hurting yourself, and this is going to backpedal your health journey. Have you ever heard of “slow and steady wins the race?” Well, there’s actually a lot of truth to this. So, to avoid injuries, start with low-intensity workouts and gradually increase the intensity, duration, and frequency over time. It’s really all about getting your body to adapt.  You don’t just lift heavy weights in a day or run for long periods of time in a day; it’s all slow and steady.

Always Warm Up

Is warming up actually necessary? Yes, one thousand times, yes, it is! Every doctor, trainer, athlete, fitness influencer, gym rat, whoever, they’re all going to tell you the same thing: warm up before exercising. It’s not a waste of time at all, so you’ll need to spend around 5-10 minutes performing light aerobic activities such as jogging in place, jumping jacks, or brisk walking. Some stretches will help, too, since these are all meant to loosen up the muscles you’ll be using.

How’s Your Form?

One major thing that so many beginners get wrong is their form. You’ll need to be in the right posture for all of this. It’s going to help a lot if you’re able to either hire a trainer or even watch some tutorials. Getting the form correct can be challenging, but if you get it wrong, you’re definitely putting yourself at risk of some bad injuries. 

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