How to Safeguard Your Pregnancy

How to Safeguard Your Pregnancy

Whether you are experiencing an advanced-age or low-risk pregnancy, taking care of yourself should always be a top priority. As mothers, we have a natural inclination to put everyone else first; however, when we become pregnant, we need to put ourselves first. By making your care your top priority, you will help ensure that your child starts off on the right foot.


Great ways to care for both yourself and your pregnancy include:

Eating Your Fruits and Veggies

“Eat your veggies!” isn’t just a line for our kiddos, it’s something that every pregnant woman needs to keep in mind too. Because our hormones often send our cravings into hyperdrive, we regularly find ourselves overeating, and eating food that is loaded with sugar and fat and low on nutrients. Eating right while pregnant can greatly reduce the likelihood of preeclampsia or diabetes, which may develop due to poor diet and excessive weight gain. Both conditions can lead to birth complications, such as premature birth or even infant mortality. A diet heavy in fresh fruit and veggies and lean meat can help keep your plate balanced and the extra weight off. Speak with your physician or dietitian before beginning a diet plan to ensure you’re getting the best nutrition possible while pregnant.

In addition to a nutrient-rich diet, supporting your body with the best female hormone balance supplements can help maintain overall well-being during pregnancy. Consulting with a healthcare professional can guide you in choosing the right options for your specific needs.

Take Folic Acid

To boost the health of your pregnancy folic acid is a must! Folic acid can help decrease the likelihood of brain and spinal cord birth defects significantly, and can even increase the likelihood of conception for women wishing to become pregnant. For women wishing to enhance their pregnancy, 600 mg daily is the recommended dose, and the supplement can be found at your local pharmacy or big box store.

Get Tested

Family planning is a great way to make sure that you are fully prepared to welcome your new baby, and one of the first steps in family planning is getting a prenatal DNA test. If you are a woman 35 years or older or have a family history of abnormal pregnancies, having a prenatal DNA test is highly recommended.

Prenatal DNA tests determine whether or not a pregnancy may be abnormal by detecting trisomies. Trisomies are responsible for genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome, and by learning in advance whether or not a pregnancy may experience genetic abnormalities, families can locate the resources and tools needed to ensure better parenting.


Becoming pregnant is no excuse to skip a work out. In fact, your pregnancy should prompt you to get in to the gym and pick up a regular workout regimen. Mothers who regularly exercise are more likely to have easier deliveries and keep excess weight off that can lead to pregnancy complications.

Resources are available to women who may not know how to work out, especially while pregnant. According to Every Mother, one of the pregnancy workout resources available to expectant mothers, “Every Mother was created to give women the knowledge and tools necessary to own their core and pelvic floor health.”

However, women should be advised that their workouts will most likely not be as high-intensity as they were prior to pregnancy. Too much exercise can also have ill effects on a pregnancy. To determine the right workout routine for you, consult your physician as well as a personal trainer who regularly assists pregnant clientele.

Welcoming a new baby into your home is an exhilarating time. In your excitement, make sure you take quality care of yourself. A healthy mother is more likely to have a healthy pregnancy – a desire for all moms-to-be. Empower yourself by taking the necessary steps to safeguard your pregnancy.


  1. My daughter is taking a prenatal vitamin and extra folic acid. The doctor was a little miffed with the extra folic acid.

  2. I know a lot of women complain, but I actually loved being pregnant. It felt like such an honor. The only thing that’s better is being a mom!

  3. Stephanie says

    Pregnant women should actually be taking folate and not the synthetic folic acid. Some women have difficulty producing folic acid into usable folate in their body, so taking folate will ensure that you are getting what your body needs in the most usable form. There are also some studies that have found that excess, unmetabolized folic acid may be harmful.

  4. Karen Glatt says

    Taking a good prenatal vitamin with Folic Acid is such a good idea! Also eating fruits and veges is so important for babies health, and exercising makes being pregnant feel a whole lot better!

  5. sangeetha menon says

    I would always support that before you conceive its always good to consult a doctor and get checked/tested and start taking folic acid or other supplements as recommended by your doctor. Pregnancy caring should be started even before you conceive.

  6. Someone close to me is newly pregnant and she will be having the DNA test soon. According to her OB it is no longer just for women over 35 and is becoming recommended for all expecting mothers.

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