How to Help Your Teen Get a Good Night’s Sleep? 6 Effective Tips

Sleep deprivation has become a norm in adolescents in today’s world. Statistics show that the average sleep time has dropped by 40-50% in children aged between thirteen and nineteen. Around 58% of middle-graders and 73% of high schoolers don’t get the recommended sleep per night.  

Many teens think it’s natural for them to stay awake through the night and even a necessity to achieve their goals. This, combined with the stress and pressure at schools, extracurricular activities, social media, etc., has messed up their health. 

It’s no surprise that anxiety, depression, and panic attacks have become common. 

Lack of sleep in teens leads to traffic accidents, stressed relationships, toxic lifestyle patterns, and mental health concerns. 

Hence the need to have a good night’s sleep improves the overall lifestyle performance of an individual. Moreover, sound sleep depends to a great extent on these sleep postures one adopt. 

As parents and guardians, it’s up to the adults to ensure that teens get enough sleep every day and have a healthy sleeping routine. While it’s easier said than done, it is not impossible either. 

Check out some effective tips to help your teen have a healthy sleep routine and improve their lifestyle. 

6 Effective Tips to Help Your Teen Get a Good Night’s Sleep 

We’ll now talk about effective tips that can help get your teen a good night’s sleep.

  • Talk to Them and Show Empathy 

We know it’s not easy talking to teens. A simple talk can blow up into an argument in no time. Be careful not to talk down to them. Don’t accuse your teen or point out flaws in an authoritative tone. 

Sit with them and gently nudge them to open up. Listen to their concerns and let them complete their sentences. 

Make it clear that you understand. Express your empathy through your body language, voice, and actions. The trick is to not make them feel defensive. Instead, make your teen feel safe with you. 

  • Explain Your Perspective 

Once you listen to them, process their concerns, and then start explaining your perspective. Tell them that you are concerned for their health. Explain that just because everyone is running on low sleep, they should do the same. 

Take examples from people around you to show how lack of sleep can cause long-term health issues. Be prepared to have the same discussion about sleep a few times before the teen agrees to make changes. 

  • Understand that Teens will Resist 

Being a teen is not easy. They are neither kids nor adults. Resisting your opinions is their way of coping with stress. 

Even when they realize you are right, they won’t be willing to admit it. When discussing sleep times with them, be very careful not to yell or give ultimatums. They will get more stubborn and make things worse. 

Keep trying new different ways while supporting them when they need you. They will acknowledge it if you don’t push too hard. 

  • Help Them Plan Their Schedule

Ask if your teen wants help with the daily schedule. Having a routine for yourself will have a better impact. Once they agree, don’t take over and plan every tiny detail. 

The idea is to ‘help’ them. Limit your interference. Rather, you can offer suggestions or alternatives and let them decide if they want to accept them. 

For example, you can look for alternate travel routes/ methods if your teen spends too much time traveling to school. Word your statements carefully. In no way should you want is for the teen to think you are accusing them of something.  

  • Encourage Meditation and Mindfulness 

Meditation and mindfulness exercises help reduce stress and anxiety. Gift them a course CD or booklet, or have them read articles on Shownd about how these practices can be beneficial. Your teen will be more interested if you practice the same at home. 

They might seem disinterested, but they will surely notice. You can encourage them to join you in the session (leave the decision in their hands).  

  • Redesign the Bedroom Together 

It will take time to reach this stage. Redesigning the teen’s bedroom is a way to bond and make the place more conducive for a good night’s sleep. Similar to other tips, offer suggestions or ideas and let your teen make the final decision. 

However, you can gift them a few items to improve their sleep (dark curtains, a new bedspread, a white noise device, scented candles, scent diffusers, etc.)

To Sum Up 

It takes time to get your teens to understand the risks of sleep deprivation and make them willingly sleep earlier. Don’t give up or lose your cool. Be gentle yet firm. 

Assess whether any other issues are responsible for their lack of sleep and help them deal with it. Show your teens that you support them so that they feel comfortable sharing their problems with you. 

Take professional help if necessary. Talking to an expert will help you and your teen. Gradually, you will notice a positive change. 



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