Helping a Loved One Prepare for the Big Day

Your best friend just got engaged and the champagne has been drunk. Now, it’s time to lend a helping hand so your best friend can have the wedding of her dreams. However, it’s likely you’re wondering just what you should be doing to help out with her special day. In today’s short article, we’re going to take a look at a few different aspects of the wedding planning process and how you can assist in making them more stress-free for your bestie.

Help Rein in Her Focus to Start Planning

Weddings are a big deal and the people who work in the industry know it. Professional services like wedding catering and wedding photography are booked typically a year or so in advance. This is a big problem if your best friend wants to get married within a year. It’s a no-brainer that she’ll need to book the most essential parts of her wedding early on to ensure they’re available for the big day. It’s likely that her brain will be going in a million directions when the idea of planning comes on the table. Now, it’s time for you to reign in her focus to book these bigger professionals early on so that part is out of the way.

Be the Buffer

When you combine family, soon to be in-laws, costly bills, and many options to choose from, it’s a potential recipe for disaster. It seems like everyone has their opinion and wants to share it. Your job is to help be the buffer for your best friend. If her fiance seems content with buying his ring on Amazon despite her objections, send him a link to stylish men’s wedding bands online within his budget. If a sales rep seems to be pressuring her to buy a dress or makeup package despite her apparent reluctance, step in to prevent a mistake being made.

Have a Long List of Non-Wedding Topics

When it comes to planning a wedding, the various details like what gifts to provide guests can get overwhelming to say the least. One of the easiest ways to ensure that your friend gets a break is to have a list of non-wedding topics ready to go. While you’ll definitely want to hear about the wedding from time to time, don’t always introduce the issue. Instead, let her bring it up. Be sure that your conversations involve more than just wedding talk so that you can aid in giving her a break from the constant planning. This will go a long way in preserving her sanity in the weeks and days leading up to the big day.

Spread News About Her Wants

Consider yourself the direct line of communication between the bride and her guests. When it comes to weddings, there are always questions that guests have. One of the big ones is what wedding gift do they want? Your job is to help push the bride’s wants. For example, if the bride and groom just want some money to fix their home, then translate that to the guests in a nonchalant way. Consider your job as spreading the word in a nice way that will get the bride and groom what they want for their special day.

Helping your best friend prepare for her big day is an exciting experience. You get to participate in all the fun adventures of dress shopping, cake tasting, wine tasting, and so much more. As her best friend, you have many roles that you’ll need to play at her wedding to ensure that she stays calm and is super happy when her special day rolls around. The above are just some of the major roles you’ll need to prepare yourself for. Interested in getting more help planning your dream wedding? Don’t worry a team of experienced and professional destination wedding planners at is always there to help you!

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