Happy Birthday Ethan!

Three years ago today our lives were forever changed for the better.


It’s incredible how fast time flies.


It seems like just yesterday he was my chubby little toothless booby baby… all giggles and grins.


And then it happened.


I blinked… and he grew up.


I tell him often… “You will always be Mommy’s baby… you know that, right?”


He always answers in his sweet little voice “Yes…”.


Tonight I tucked in my sweet 2 year old baby boy for the last time… and I cried.


Is it because he is my last baby? Maybe.


Is it because I don’t want him to grow up enough to think that cuddling with Mommy “just because” is for “babies”… probably.


Tonight Ethan told me he was big enough to be 3 now because he can poop in the toilet.


I smiled and agreed.


But he will always be my silly, snuggly, clumbsy, giggly, smiley Momma’s baby boy.
(and how is it they always bruise themselves right before birthday pictures?!)


Happy Birthday Ethan!




  1. brett says

    happy birthday little man!!

  2. aw what a cutie 🙂 Happy Birthday!

    Our sons have the same birthday!

  3. Mandi says

    What a sweetie pie! Happy Birthday, Ethan! And way to poop in the toilet. Ha ha! So cute!

  4. Happy birthday to your little one!

  5. ellen says

    Happy Birthday Ethan!!!!

  6. Kacy Brown says

    Love the site! Thank you!

  7. Amelia says

    Adorable baby!! Hope you had a great birthday!

  8. Katie Smith says

    Happy birthday, man they get big so fast!

  9. Kristy Bodle says

    My son will be 1 year old next month. He is 10 months right now almost 11 months. Owen was in the hospital to have heart surgery. It was a hard thing for my family. Time does fly fast.

  10. Happy Birthday to this sweet little guy!!! I am your newest follower. Please check out my blog as I started something new on my blog called “Two Pink Peas Pay It Forward Friday’s”. When you get a chance check it out and read all 3 pay if
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  11. Melena McLemore Nicholas says

    Awww–what a beautiful little guy! I hope he had an amazing 3rd birthday!

  12. Krista says

    Oh my goodness, he’s adorable!! Happy belated bday to your adorable son!

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