Ease Back Into School with Netflix #StreamTeam

Ease Back Into School with Netflix #StreamTeam
This post is part of the Netflix Stream Team program. All opinions are my own.

Whether your kids have been in school a week or two or back to school is just around the corner, there’s still some time left to make sure everyone’s brains still work after a summer of…whatever you’ve been letting them get away with. A little help from some awesome Netflix TV shows and movies can help to ease them back into the education mindset while disguised as fun.

Check out our list of kids movies and TV shows to stream on Netflix.

Project Mc2

For older kids, put a fun spin on the stuff they’re dreading — math homework, spelling tests, science reports — the brand new Project Mc² Netflix Original Series, premiering on Aug. 7 proves smart is the hottest BTS trend. The show features four supercool teen spies who show how girls can use their science smarts and math problem-solving skills to save the world. Total #SmartGirl inspo! Catch a first look here.

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And the offspring of favorite fairytale characters in Ever After High’s new Way Too Wonderland adventure (debuting Aug. 14) empower kids to write their own life stories. Whether Royal or Rebel, your actions, behaviors and choices are your own to make.

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Get the little ones ready for new experiences with shows like the Netflix original Dinotrux from DreamWorks, premiering Aug. 14 — prehistoric hybrid dinosaur-construction vehicles team-up to use their different skills to solve problems and show that even the most uncommon of duos, like Ty-Rux and Revvit, can form friendships of a lifetime.

They can also go anywhere and be anything by letting their imaginations soar on a Reading Rainbow journey, now available to stream.

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How do YOU get your family ready for back to school and back to learning?

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