American Express @ShopSmall Holiday Shopping Challenge [CLOSED Giveaway]

I am a planner. A serious planner. To be honest, I have several gifts already purchased for Christmas. When I see a fabulous deal on an item I know someone on my list is going to want (or will appreciate) then I grab it. With four children and an extended family I am no where near done, though. American Express has asked me to participate in their Holiday Shopping Challenge. My challenge… I have 40,000 membership rewards points to purchase … [Read more...]

Save Big & Still Have a Beautiful Wedding Dress

As a little girl I had imagined (and even planned) my dream wedding. A long white flowing gown, flowers everywhere, my sister and best friends by my side. When I got a little older and had actually met the man of my dreams, I began to realize how expensive weddings really are. In the end, we decided to save our money and elope. I still experience twinges of regret for not going through with the big planned out wedding. Mostly I just miss the … [Read more...]

The Flex Belt

Once upon a time I had the time to curl up on the couch and watch Day of Our Lives on a daily basis. When it was over… I’d call up my girlfriends and gossip about what we just saw. I was an avid watcher when Lisa Rinna was on. When I was web surfing I ran across a website for the Flex Belt and I stopped dead in my tracks. There was my girl, Lisa Rinna, wearing a Flex Belt and looking f a b u l o u s ! So I’m reading… and watching her … [Read more...]

Games We LOVE to Play… B I N G O! Anyone?

When I met my husband, his family introduced me to the joys of playing board games. My family played a lot of cards but not much in the realm of board games. I never realized how much fun adding a board and some dice to my cards could be. After we got married we slowly began to collect games at garage sales and thrift stores. We were poor college students and board games were our main form of entertainment. We have an entire wall in the garage … [Read more...]

After Nursing Four Kids… I’ve Got Furniture Syndrome!

I’m sure many of you will understand this. I’ve had five children and breastfed four of them for extended lengths of time. Now, mind you, I was never one to be blessed with perky “girls” but as of lately I have decided I have “furniture syndrome”. What is that you may ask? Well… my “girls” are now in my “drawers”. I’ll give you a minute to stop giggling at me… Okay… Now add on the fact that I’ve also lost over 100 pounds and you will begin … [Read more...]

Save 40-90% Off Your Textbooks with

Years ago when I was in college the main option I had when it came to college textbooks was to rent them. We really had no choice… we just handed over our schedule and received a stack of books and a bill. With Kaytlin in college now, I’ve noticed that many of her required books are not available from the college for rent, but are for purchase only. She has been handing out upwards of $150 for just one textbook! For a college student paying her … [Read more...]