Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself! My name is Enza and I currently run and own EnzasBargains.com. I like to write about bargains, deals, being a mom, saving money, and more! It is that time of year where we need to celebrate my daughter’s birthday party and we need to do it on a budget! When planning a Birthday Party on a budget it can be quite easy! At least, I tend to think so. My family lives in a very small house and it is … [Read more...]
5S for Families: Learn How the 5S Method Can Help Cure Car Clutter

5S for Families: How the 5S Method Can Help Families Clean Up Car Clutter Every parent knows that keeping the car clean with kids as passengers is a difficult and ongoing task. However, there is a lesson to be learned from a popular workplace organization methodology that is slowly infiltrating the way many companies function. It’s called 5S and is rooted in five Japanese words (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke) that when translated … [Read more...]