Dining Out With Kids

Dining Out With Kids I admit it, when I was young and unencumbered by little ones I rolled my eyes when families piled all of their babies and toddlers into a booth near me at a restaurant. I steeled myself against their eventual shrieks and cries. I held my breath hoping to avoid flying napkins and baguettes. I commiserated with a waitress as toddlers tore up and down the aisle twisting her up in their game of tag. For the first few years … [Read more...]

Buying a Family Car: What You Need to Think About

Buying a family car: what you need to think about Your family car goes through a lot, so if it's time to start thinking about a new one, there's a lot to consider. If you don't know what to look for under the hood, this guide will help you when it comes to the technical stuff as well as the practical side of space and reliability. PassSmart - the team who writes about cars every day - have written this guide to make your vehicle shopping … [Read more...]

Looking Good on a Low Budget

Looking Good on a Low Budget It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to look like a million dollars. It is a simple matter of making a plan and shopping smartly to collect all of the items you need to look great at work or out on the town. Follow these simple suggestions, and you will not have to take a second job just to look good. Save a Ton on Beauty Products Many women spend a lot of money on makeup when they don’t really have to. … [Read more...]

Safe Winter Driving Habits You Should Adopt

Safe winter driving habits you should adopt Getting around on foot when there is ice on the ground is difficult enough, so when the temperature drops it can be even trickier getting around by car.  However, here are some driving habits you should adopt to stay safe on the roads this winter. Checklist – As exacting as it may sound, you should have a pre-journey checklist you run through before you head out on the road. This … [Read more...]

Affordable, Toddler-Safe Holiday Decorations

Affordable, Toddler-Safe Holiday Decorations In the midst of holiday excitement, it can be easy to forget that some decorations are dangerous to children. Toddlers are particularly at risk for choking hazards, intestinal blockages, and poisoning from traditional holiday decor. Homemade or toddler-proof decorations present attractive, low-cost alternatives. Useful Decorative Substitutes To prevent burns, substitute cool-burning LED lights for … [Read more...]

Top 10 Gifts for Girls in 2012

Top 10 Gifts for Girls in 2012 Not sure what to buy that special girl in your life for her birthday or for this holiday season? Well, girls’ interests are constantly changing as they grow up, and you might need a bit of a refresher course. Here are some trending gift ideas for girls: 1.       Dolls. Find out what kind of dolls she might like. Popular dolls include Barbie, Bratz, La Dee Da and Disney stars (like Cinderella) are all popular … [Read more...]

Getting the House Holiday-Ready

Getting the House Holiday Ready Getting your home ready for the holidays doesn’t have to be expensive or a lot of work. The main focus should be on sprucing things up a bit to make the home a comfortable and inviting place to be. The holiday season is a busy time for everyone. With that in mind, you should consider some of the simple things you can do to create a welcoming and holiday-inspired atmosphere; simple approaches work and they are … [Read more...]

Fall Updates To Prepare Your Home For Holiday Guests

Fall Updates To Prepare Your Home For Holiday Guests As summer months come to an end and the temperatures begin to drop, our attention is likely to turn to plans for the holidays.  Holiday touches are soon evident throughout the home. The goal is to make the home welcoming to family and guests during this time of year. After all, this is the time for reconnecting with friends and loved ones. Small Touches That Have a Big Impact It’s not … [Read more...]

Guest Review | The Sweet Maple Cafe

The Sweet Maple Cafe There are times when you want to go out for an elegant meal, but occasionally, you want comfort food served in a laid-back atmosphere, reminiscent of your mom's kitchen. That is what you can find at Sweet Maple Cafe. Everything at the Sweet Maple Cafe attests to its homey origins. The restaurant was opened in 1999 by a mother of two, Laurene Hynson, who wanted to be able to have afternoons to devote to her children, so … [Read more...]

Save on Your Christmas Bills

Save on Your Christmas Bills Your household bills can be a costly expense at the best of times but around Christmas when money is tight they can be a real nightmare.  During winter when the weather turns cold you end up using lots more gas and electricity just trying to keep your home warm. This coupled with the fact that it gets dark earlier means it is usually the time of year when your bills are at their worst.  Although those little … [Read more...]