7 Safety Tips for Paddle Boarding With Your Child  

You know the old saying, “Once you have a child, your life changes forever.” Although that’s true, that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy fun water activities like paddle boarding. It just means you’ll have to make adjustments if you want to include your child on your board with you.   If your child is still too young to paddle her own board, you can choose to take her along with you as long as you do it in a way that’s both safe and … [Read more...]

5 Survival Tips for Single Parents 

If you’re a single parent who is extremely stressed out, you’re definitely not alone. There are more than 13 million single parents in the US who are raising children on their own, many of whom are just as stressed out as you are. People are single parents for many different reasons—divorce, death, even by choice. Many military spouses have to be a single parent while their partner is deployed. No matter what your situation is, being a single … [Read more...]

The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Drinking Water

Think of any drink, no matter what. You might say that coffee is the best rejuvenating morning drink ever, or that red wine is the perfect way to get an evening started. You might have a favorite fresh drink or can’t get your food served without your soda. You can swear by the energy drinks and tell everyone they can’t go to the gym without having some. But when it comes down to it, good old pure water is the only drink you can drink to quench … [Read more...]

Why It Is Important to Have Calendars at Home 

The common calendar we use today, the Gregorian calendar, emerged at around 1580. It has been vital to humankind for planning and keeping track of important events throughout a year. However, after the revolution of technology with gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets, and PCs, people have become reluctant to purchase calendars at their homes.   Although it is easier to plan events and mark the most important details on your phone or … [Read more...]

4 of the Greatest Joys of Being a Parent 

There is nothing more stressful in this world than being a parent (all parents out there know what I’m talking about)! The constant nagging, whining, and crying; the constant demand for attention, praise, and animated movies. Forever worrying about them getting hurt on a field trip, or getting lost in a store (or worse…). The bickering between siblings, the sass from a primadonna five-year-old, the mouth from a 10-year-old. Fighting with them to … [Read more...]

5 Reasons You Should Hire A Professional Pest Control Service 

We work to keep our homes safe and comfortable for our families but pest infestations can make this a difficult job. Pests such as termites can damage your house structurally while rats, certain species of spiders and bark scorpions can be harmful to your health. If you find your house infected by a certain pest, buying a commercially available pesticide and spraying it in your house seem like a cost-effective and easy option. However, it may … [Read more...]

Parenting a Special Needs Child 

Parenting decisions  As a young girl, I always wanted a child. To be a mom was my greatest dream. I started young, and looking back I would have made better decisions. I would have had my life together before bearing children because I was just a child myself. However, when it happened I had my first parenting decision to make; one that could be easy for some, but for me, not so much. I considered adoption for my child, but could I really … [Read more...]

Tips for Buying Shoes for Young Children 

Once you have a toddler in your household who is beginning to walk, it’s important to find them the best shoes to help support their footsteps and set them on the right road for health and strength and good posture — as well as protect them, of course, from sharp objects and heat on the ground they walk on.   However, selecting the best footwear for young children is often not an easy task. While there are options galore, you need to be … [Read more...]

Career Choices To Consider Across The Healthcare Industry

If you are looking at choosing a career in the healthcare industry, you might not know about all the choices that are on offer. The first thing that people tend to think of is either a doctor or a nurse, and while these are great choices, there are so many more at www.miller-motte.edu. Even if you do want to become a doctor or a nurse, there are still going to be so many other career paths that need to be taken on board during the deciding stage. … [Read more...]

How to Help a Friend Going Through a Bitter Divorce  

The divorce rates we read and hear about aren’t just abstract numbers; they represent a couple and a family going through a hard time. Many don’t have to look too far, some of our closest friends and family members have gone through it. It’s even worse when the divorce is sour and acrimonious. It brings so many negative emotions to the surface and it feels never-ending.   It is so hard seeing someone you care about going through the … [Read more...]