Love to shop? Are your friends always asking you advice on what to buy or where you got something? How would you like to earn money every time someone purchasing something you suggest? Now you can with Personal Shopper by Shop Your Way. The Shop Your Way Rewards program allows you to earn points while buying things you already need or want. You can then redeem these points online or in store at any of the Sears Holding brand stores (Sears, … [Read more...]
Cars 2 & Kimberly Clark = Prizes (including $10 Visa Cards) when you purchase Huggies, Pull Ups, Kleenex, Viva, Scott or Cottonelle products
Kimberly Clark and Disney have teamed up to bring you easy ways to earn free prizes and provide solutions every mom needs for her job as the family’s Pit Crew Chief. Prizes include movie tickets, coloring books, character die-cast cars and more just for buying products you already love! Between now and July, you can find the Cars 2 promotional sticker on these Kimberly-Clark brands: Kleenex facial tissue, Pull-Ups training pants, … [Read more...]