Removing Leaves From Strawberries | How To

Summertime and strawberries go hand in hand around here. With the cost of produce going up, it pained me to see how much strawberry was going down the drain. My old method of trying to remove it by simply chopping off the top wasn’t cutting it anymore. Here is an inexpensive, quick and easy way to conserve your berry and still remove all the leaves. Tools needed:  1 ordinary straw  :   strawberries * Starting from the … [Read more...]

Homemade Toys : Petals in a Bottle

Homemade Toys : Petals in a Bottle Here is a simple homemade toy that you can make with recyclable items from home or very cheaply from the $ store. Here are the items needed to make them exactly as mine below: 2 plastic bottles (I used Vitamin Water bottles) WD-40 & paper towel package of fabric petals, leaves, or tissue paper ($1 at the $ store) * Prep the bottle: Remove the label on the bottle(s) and fill the bottle … [Read more...]

Homemade Toys: Indoor Sandbox Bean Sensory Bin

Homemade Toys: Indoor Sandbox Bean Sensory Bin   Have you ever noticed that sometimes your children love to play with just about everything but their toys? I am (slowly) learning that my two youngest prefer simple. Ocassionally they like that big flashy toy, but for the most part... most of their favorite toys have been either household items (pots & pans on the kitchen floor, our old cell phones w/battery removed etc) or homemade … [Read more...]