Congratulations to this weeks winners! Munchkin Reusable Snack Bags *2 WINNERS* 324 Entries Your Winner (confirmed) Author: Jennie (jenswen@) Comment: entered bed potty training kit giveaway *** Your Winner (confirmed) Author: Cristy R. (markcristy3378@) Comment: Entered Mickey Mote! Scotch Brite Bathroom Solutions Line : 7 products 477 Entries Your Winner (confirmed) Author: Amy (amybabya79@) … [Read more...]
Weekly Weigh In Weeks 30 & 26 on Nutrisystem #NSNation
It’s been 30 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 26 weeks for Kaytlin. This week I finally made the decision to move my butt. My husband and son have fallen in love with running and to be honest it has peaked my curiosity. I am still a bigger girl, though, and I thought there was no way in heck I could run. My husband told me about a program called the Couch to 5k Running Plan. I am not a total couch potato, but in the past… well, I was never … [Read more...]
Monday Morning Link Up : List Your Giveaways!
Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) I’ll start with my giveaways ending in the next seven days… Hasbro Travel Game ends 5/30 Scotch Brite Bathroom Solutions ends 5/30 Protect A Bed Potty … [Read more...]
Weekly Weigh In Weeks 29 & 25 on Nutrisystem #NSNation
It’s been 29 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 25 weeks for Kaytlin. It was my birthday week (Wednesday was “the day”) and the party started Friday night. Kaytlin took me out to see our favorite band Bowling for Soup play at a small local bar. We were on our feet from 9pm to 1:30am. I have to say… I’m pretty sure 29 weeks ago I would have been complaining most of the night. I was sore, but I made it and had a blast! We even had a little left … [Read more...]
Weekly Weigh In Weeks 28 & 24 on Nutrisystem #NSNation
It’s been 28 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 24 weeks for Kaytlin. I have a good feeling that I finally broke through my plateau! I’m not sure what I did, other than eat out most of Mothers Day weekend, but I’ll take it. I’m still fighting the normal cravings (chocolate and salt), but they are easier to resist. I have found sugar free candies to be helpful and sugar free gum. We are gearing up for a fun summer as a family. I have a … [Read more...]
Weekly Weigh In : Weeks 27 & 23 #NSNation
It’s been 27 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 23 weeks for Kaytlin. I am just going to cut to the chase. It was a baaad weekend for food around here, but I think Kaytlin and I did a great job controlling ourselves! Friday and Saturday we had our garage sale. Kaytlin purchased junk food to sell, and we ate (some of) the leftovers. Friday we had pizza for lunch. It’s just what we do the first day of a sale… takeout. Neither one of us wanted to … [Read more...]
Weekly Weigh In : Weeks 26 & 22 #NSNation
It’s been 26 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 22 weeks for Kaytlin. What a wild and crazy weekend it was here. I’m sorry our post is so late. We participated in our neighborhood garage sale Friday and Saturday… then Sunday was Mothers Day. Unfortunately I had failed to plan ahead with my post. I’m here now, though! ;O) I tell you what… it feels so good to declutter your house. It declutters the mind, too… kwim? The overflowing storage room … [Read more...]
Weekly Weigh In Weeks 25 & 21 #NSNation
It’s been 25 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 21 weeks for Kaytlin. What a wild and crazy week it was here. I had a date meal out with my husband, Easter, roofers pounding over my head for two days, Emma & Ethan at each other’s throats all week… yadda yadda yadda. I’m not going to try to make any excuses. It is what it is… an off week. I tried to be on my best behavior, but I am a stress eater. I was completely stressed out with my … [Read more...]
Seneca Farms Oatmeal & Fruit Review
Did you know that*… Nearly 60% of U.S. parents of children ages 3-17 admit that their child skips breakfast, with more than half of U.S. Moms wishing their child ate a more nutritious breakfast. 58% of U.S. Moms say they skip breakfast regularly. 46% of Moms who skip breakfast say they do so because they do not have enough time to prepare or eat it. 57% of single adults say the number one reason they skip breakfast is that they don’t have … [Read more...]
Weekly Weigh In : Weeks 24 and 20 #NSNation
It’s been 24 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 20 weeks for Kaytlin. Last week I told (and showed) you about cleaning out my closet. All of my “too big” clothes are now gone. Well, Kaytlin followed suit and cleaned out her closet as well. I am sure the DAV was happy to see all of our clothes coming in, but our empty closets made us sad. I had planned on heading to Fashion Bug (because I had a coupon) but Kaytlin’s bank account was empty from … [Read more...]