How to Shop the Farmers Market Like a Pro Being able to shop a local farmer’s market at home is one of the best ways to create healthy meals for yourself and family, while learning where your food comes from. Depending on the quality of your market, you can find everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to dairy to organic, grass fed meat. The best markets will also be able to provide for your bath and beauty needs, honey, and even plants that … [Read more...]
Why Switching to Locally Grown Food is Smart
There has been a push in communities everywhere to get families to switch to locally grown food, but you might not be exactly sure why. You might have already made the switch to buying organically grown vegetables and fruit, but were not aware that even these foods have been shipped hundreds of miles away. Shopping farmer’s markets is a great way to get out and meet your local farmers, grab some fresh vegetables and maybe even learn a new … [Read more...]
Jawbone UP | Fitness Food Activity Life Tracker
Jawbone UP | Fitness Food Activity Life Tracker We received a sample for review purposes only. All opinions are our own. What exactly is UP™? UP is a fitness, food, sleep and life tracker that was designed to fit seamlessly into people's lives. Real life. It's a thoughtful combination of engineering and design, custom-made for how we live—an intelligent computer wrapped around your wrist in the form of a wristband. It is comfortable enough … [Read more...]
Adventure To Fitness | Kids Learn While Having Fun and Getting Fit
Adventure To Fitness | Kids Learn While Having Fun and Getting Fit This post brought to you by Adventure to Fitness With more than 75,000 classrooms using Adventure to Fitness, I’m sure that many of your children will know what I’m about to talk about. If not, you are in for a treat! Adventure to Fitness is a 30-minute interactive adventure that takes children on an exciting global journey. During each episode their little arms and feet … [Read more...]
Natural Ways to Manage Menopause Symptoms
Natural Ways to Manage Menopause Symptoms Menopause and perimenopause seem to be big taboo topics, even in this day and age. Heck, even my family has never discussed it so I really have no family history and have no idea when to expect “the change”. Fortunately the internet has tons of information at our fingertips and I’ve been doing a little digging. I’ve recently started realizing how our diet effects many aspects of our lives and have been … [Read more...]
Our Move to Healthier Living | Clean Eating, GMOs and Life
Our Move to Healthier Living | Clean Eating, GMOs and Life About a year and a half ago, I decided to try the 30 day no meat challenge. My oldest daughter and husband had been vegetarians for some time at that point and I figured if they could do it, I could do it. The 30 days flew by and it really wasn’t a huge challenge for me as I had both of them to help guide me through with food choices and for support. I continued to eat 95% vegetarian … [Read more...]
I’m Having a Moment | Conflicts Frustration & Cravings
It’s only Tuesday and I’ve cried or been near tears too many times to count this week. Let’s start with frustration. I mentioned earlier that we have started to eat cleaner foods... more organic, non-GMO, whole foods. That combined with eating a vegetarian diet has taken a wide assortment of food selections and narrowed it to a tiny window. At least it felt like a tiny window the other night. It’s typical for me to get frustrated a couple of … [Read more...]
Nutrisystem Take Two… Starting Over : Tips for Surviving Thanksgiving
I’m not sure if you noticed or not, but I haven’t posted in about a month. Kaytlin and I were somewhat “on a break” from Nutrisystem. When we started our “break” we had both been on program for nearly a year and wanted to try our hand out “real life”. We did fairly well and the break was nice. Halloween week gave me quite the scare with a 3 lb gain, but magically it disappeared the next week. Both of us have yo-yo’d up and down a few pounds and … [Read more...]
Weekly Weigh In Weeks 47 & 43 on Nutrisystem: Confessions #NSNation
It’s been 47 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 43 weeks for Kaytlin. It’s confession time. Kaytlin and I have been on hiatus of sorts (from Nutrisystem). After being on an eating plan for about 11 months, I was yearning to eat the same dinners I was cooking for my family. I wanted to eat Papa Johns with the crew. You know the drill. It was slow at first, but then I basically went on a Nutrisystem strike. I only ate the breakfast and … [Read more...]
Weekly Weigh In Weeks 44 and 40 on Nutrisystem #NSNation : B&A Photos!
It’s been 44 weeks on Nutrisystem for myself and 40 weeks for Kaytlin. This week I decided it was time to dig up some old photos and compare them to “now”. Because we were both so self conscious, we did not take formal “before” photos (take a mental note: ALWAYS take before photos). After a little digging I found a few to compare to our current photos. Here I am down 33 pounds compared to “before” and feeling great… This week I lost … [Read more...]