Update on ME! Life, Weight Gain, 75 Hard and 2021 fitness goals

Hello!! ?? I know it's been forever since I've updated you on my fitness/weight loss journey, please forgive me! Life has this habit of taking over and distracting me. A lot has gone on since I updated my weight loss journey post. I've been a fitness instructor for over 3 1/2 years. Sadly, I am no longer teaching R.I.P.P.E.D. . January of 2019 was rough for me. My dad was diagnosed with cancer ... it was literally all over his body. From … [Read more...]

Achievable Health Goals For Busy Moms In 2021

A new year is always a good time to set targets and work towards goals. Many moms are keen to prioritize health and wellbeing, but it can be tough to hit milestones when you’re running a home and raising kids. If you’re on a mission to put your health first in 2021, here are some achievable health goals.  Increasing activity levels Health experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Moderate exercise can include everything … [Read more...]

5 Tips for Preparing Yourself When You Are Expecting

Having a child is a momentous moment for any prospective parent. You’re bound to feel a roller coaster of emotions from anxiety to joy.   Preparing for the birth of a newborn isn’t an easy task and does require effort. There’s a lot to get done in a short amount of time.    Here are five tips that can help you prepare yourself when you are expecting a newborn.    Gather necessary items  The types of items you’ll need for a baby will … [Read more...]

4 Points to Remember If You’re going to Have Plastic Surgery

The decision to have any type of cosmetic procedure is a personal one. Now that you’ve decided this is something you want to pursue and a surgeon has determined you’re a candidate, it’s time to educate yourself on what to do before, during and after the procedure. In addition to discussing medications, your surgical team will provide detailed pre-operative instructions tailored to your specific procedure. This may include guidelines on … [Read more...]

5 Tips to Care for a Loved One With Mesothelioma

A mesothelioma diagnosis can leave family members, friends, and colleagues devastated. However, despite being a terminal illness, mesothelioma patients have been known to live three to four years beyond diagnosis under special care. The best thing you can do to a loved one who has been diagnosed with this aggressive cancer is to provide the best care you can. Read on for tips on how to care for mesothelioma patients.   Create a Support … [Read more...]

How Mothers Can Practice Self-Care

The life of a mother can be wearisome. From changing diapers to disciplining teenagers, there are many emotional and physical battles that arise on a regular basis. As a mother, you have the responsibility of keeping another life safe, so it’s not surprising that you would reach the end of the year and feel depleted, exhausted, and discouraged. When you are not taking the time to care for yourself, you are likely missing out many of the joys of … [Read more...]

How Does CBD Oil Work Differently Than Hemp Oil

Despite the growing popularity of CBD, there is still a lot of confusion going around between both new and avid users about it. One reason for this may be because there have been so many CBD derived products flourishing store shelves and consumers aren’t sure about their authenticity. Therefore, it is safe to say that not all CBD products are equal. This is because not all of them have the same CBD content that makes them as potent or … [Read more...]

The Best Way to Become the Best Disability Support Worker

If you are very passionate about helping others and always becoming involved in your community's betterment, you can become a disability support worker to fulfill your need. Our community requires more significant support for people living with disabilities to help them efficiently deal with the day to day life activities. If you have an interest in community work and a passion for helping people with disabilities, here are the tips you … [Read more...]

Eyesight and Age: The Basics

There are many things that change in your body as you age, and eyesight is one of them. Our eyes are so important, and help us to do so many things, so keeping them healthy for as long as possible is vital. Here is some basic information about eyesight and aging:  Healthy Eating  Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for your entire body, but there are a few foods you can eat that have great benefits for your eyes too. Try adding … [Read more...]

Tips For Taking Care of Your Adult Teeth

Our teeth are important. They help us chew our food and they are also our best accessory. For that reason, it is imperative that you do everything you can to keep them cared for. As a child, it was easy because more than likely your parents or guardian helped you stay on top of it, whether they were the ones always making sure you got your yearly checkups or if they constantly reminded you to brush your teeth day and night. Now as an adult, that … [Read more...]