How to Talk to Your Parents About Aging

As a busy mom, your focus is often on your children and their well-being. For years, this works fine, but we also reach a point where we have to look at the people who raised us and possibly start caring for them as well. Maybe your dad can't safely drive the way he used to, or perhaps your mom is showing signs of dementia or struggling with her mobility.   For those not ready to commit to long-term arrangements, exploring short-term senior … [Read more...]

Food Addiction and 6 Most Addictive Foods You Should Know

Food addiction is as real as drug or alcohol addictions. In some cases, it may require therapy sessions or visiting support groups, which are integral parts of any addiction treatment.  Similar to cocaine addiction symptoms or any other drug addiction symptoms, food addiction is characterized by an inability to stop eating certain foods, even when you are already aware of the harm that they cause to your body. After all, food addiction may … [Read more...]

Looking After Your Disabled Loved One – What To Do

Looking after the people you love is a natural response, and you as a human have a built-in mechanism that makes you want to care for the things you care about. This instinct kicks into overdrive when someone dear to your heart is in distress and needs you. Now, you would do everything in your power to ensure that person is as comfortable as possible, and you would even be willing to sacrifice your own comfort to make that happen. This is a … [Read more...]

Sleeping Patterns And How A Mattress Affects Your Lifestyle

A good sleeping pattern is needed to get a high quality sleep. If you do not have any particular sleep pattern then you will have to face several problems.  Did you know that to have a fit body and mind, all we need is good and high-quality sleep! You need a calm mindless tension, best sleeping position, a good sleeping pattern, and last but not the least a good mattress. Yes, You are right, Sleeping pattern has its own importance in … [Read more...]

Why Many People Have Been Experiencing “Brain Fog” During Quarantine

Have you been finding it harder to concentrate since the pandemic began, experienced sleep problems during quarantine or otherwise felt that your mental acuity just hasn’t been as sharp as it used to be? If so, you might be among the many people who have been experiencing a phenomenon commonly referred to as “brain fog” during quarantine. Brain fog may generally be associated with older individuals, but in the context of the pandemic, it has … [Read more...]

Methods to Get Your Child to Stop Sucking their Thumbs

Thumb sucking may seem harmless at first, but as the child continues the bad habit it will become a problem as we covered last year. The habit not only leads to physical consequences, it can result in emotional and social issues. There are a variety of reasons that thumb sucking is a negative coping mechanism. While developing as a way for the child to comfort themselves when they’re stressed, sad, or uncomfortable, if it continues the child will … [Read more...]

Timeline of the Third Trimester

If you’re in the third trimester of your pregnancy, the finish line is right around the corner. Every trimester brings its own set of challenges, and the third trimester is no different. When you know what to expect during your last trimester, you can have peace of mind and feel prepared for what's to come. What to Expect During the Third Trimester At the beginning of your third trimester, it’s normal to experience an increase in fetal … [Read more...]

Adapting To A New Home And School Abroad

If you are moving to another city or country with your family, then the adjustment period for the children may be longer than you had anticipated. It may seem that children adapt quickly and all will be fine, however, sometimes this takes a little longer and especially if you are moving to a new country. The culture will be different and things will feel different. You may have already been through all the proceedings of talking with … [Read more...]

Feeding Your Newborn: Nutritional Tips for New Parents

It’s no secret that every parent wants to raise a healthy and happy child. And since infants have different needs and preferences, parents are often faced with many decisions and challenges about what the best care for their newborn should be. One of the most important areas that must be carefully considered is their nutrition. Providing your newborn with a proper diet can really go a long way. What you feed your baby will certainly have an … [Read more...]

How to Keep Fit Beyond Your 40s

There are several reasons why working out in your forties or fifties is a good idea. The most important one is that it helps you keep your weight in check, which results in lowered blood pressure, and a lower risk of heart disease. However, it’s crucial that you do it the right way, so that you won’t bring harm to yourself.    We’ve put together a list of helpful tips in ensuring that you keep fit beyond your 40s.  Learn How to Stretch … [Read more...]