Up Your Volleyball Game This Year With These Ideas

Volleyball is an excellent sport for a number of reasons - it’s sociable, helps circulate blood flow, enhances your energy levels over time, and so much more. As well as that, it’s so much fun you don’t even feel like you’re exercising! That’s why we recommend you try to up your volleyball game this year, whether you are a total novice or you’ve already done your fair share of volleying. Here we’ll take a look at ways you can improve your … [Read more...]

Let Go Of What Is Holding You Back In 2022

We can often feel like we are restricted and held back in life. A lot of people feel like they do not lead the life that they really want to lead. They feel like something is holding them back. If you feel like this, you can let 2022 be the year that you start to make some changes and that you are not held back anymore. But this can be a lot easier said than done. With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the different ways that … [Read more...]

Staying Spry: 4 Exercises to Get You Moving in Your Golden Years

Exercise and regular physical activity is an important part of life. The most popular benefit of exercise is that it helps you to lose, maintain, and even gain weight, depending on your goals and what type of exercises you do. Regular exercise can also improve your mood and help you sleep better at night. Exercising has an endless amount of benefits, but it’s also important to know the best exercises for your goals, ability level, and your … [Read more...]

Little Things You’re Doing Every Day That Increase Your Risk Of Pain

When you’re young, pain is a minor part of your life. You might occasionally scrape your knee or get an upset stomach but, for most of us, that’s about it.  Unsplash - CC0 License However, as you get older, you soon discover that pain is more of a companion than you’d like. It seems to creep up on you and, before you know it, you’re sighing everytime you get out of a chair.  Usually, though, it’s the little things that cause these types … [Read more...]

5 Medicines You Should Always Have on Hand

I don’t need to tell you that being a parent is a lot of work. However, it can be just a bit easier if you’re prepared for certain situations. With little kids, you’re going to find that you go to visit your medicine cabinet more often. From scrapes and bruises to the common cold, it’s important to have the right medicine on hand for any situation.   If you aren’t sure what kinds of over-the-counter medicines you should keep in your … [Read more...]

Is My Toddler Ready To Sleep In A Bed?

Some toddlers may sleep better in a crib up to the age of three, according to a study published by Reuters. However, official advice from Sleep.org is that anytime between 18 months and three years is the right time to move your child into a bed. This conflicting information may leave you scratching your head about what to do. But follow the below tips and you’ll be able to make the right decision for you and your youngster. What to look out … [Read more...]

Tips for Hosting a Kid-Friendly Holiday Party

The idea for a party for your young ones could sound like a wonderful plan, but you might wonder if you can pull it off. After all, the holidays are a time when germs are in the air and your plans could backfire and lead to sniffles for partygoers. With a few sensible precautions, though, you can let the kids have their fun, alleviate your concerns and throw a party that will spread holiday cheer. The first step is to boost everyone's … [Read more...]

Six Reasons Your Kids Need To See A Dentist

Going to the dentist is a non-negotiable for families. From a young age, children need to know who the dentist is and parents need to take their children to the dentist as soon as their first teeth come through. Teeth are something that are only replaceable with real teeth once. Your children will lose their milk teeth before their adult teeth come through, and the last thing that you need is for their adult teeth to come through broken or … [Read more...]

The Essentials to Setting a Healthy Example for Our Kids

Living a healthy lifestyle is about making sure that we are, as parents, setting a great example. Being a parent is the most difficult job we will ever have, and this is why setting an example is not the easiest thing in the world. We can set an example with absolutely everything we do, which is why we have to learn what it takes to set a healthy example. Health is such a diverse topic we can find ourselves going down an abundance of rabbit holes … [Read more...]

5 Ways To Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Living a healthy lifestyle means being mindful of your habits, and making careful choices. We can’t control every aspect of our health, but there are plenty of things we can do to live better. If you’re keen to improve your cardiovascular health, make a start with these five tips. Unsplash 1 . Eat the right foods Eating the right foods is the best way to improve your cardiovascular health. To support your heart make sure that you eat … [Read more...]