What goes around... comes around, right? Emma & Ethan are a big 21 months apart. For quite some time now we have been telling Emma to "be nice", "don't hit", "please share", "he is going to be your best friend" etc in regards to Ethan. Of course she did as she pleased, but we oftentimes told her "Ethan is going to be bigger than you someday... be nice!". Emma is our tiny girl. All of my children are 100th %ile and larger babies, … [Read more...]
Out of the Mouths of Babes…
My dear Emma was riding along on a quick trip to Wal-Mart yesterday. From the back seat I could hear her pushing the buttons on her toy cell phone (pictured left) and listening to my pre-recorded message (I love that feature! Press the button, say something and your kids can hear you whenever they want!)... Back to my story. So, Emma shuts the cell phone and puts it in her lap. This particular play phone "rings" after a few seconds after the … [Read more...]
A visit with a long lost friend…
Yesterday would have been my sweet baby Emilee's 19th birthday. She graced our lives for five days, but left us with a lifetime of memories. I spent a lot of time reflecting on things yesterday. How our lives would have been different if she had lived. Would we have had the remainder of our children when we did? Who would she look like? Would she be in college like Kaytlin? She was a fighter, of this I'm sure. She taught me to value even the … [Read more...]
Once upon a time…
Okay, I did it. I set up a blog, now what? I have no idea LOL. The name? Yes, it's funny... but it's something I've been saying for years now. I think I started loving coupons about 10 years ago. Remember all of the awesome internet coupons and freebies that were rolling out right and left? Most were stackable too! Pets.com and their $15 off $15, Drugstore.com and their $10 off $10, Barnesandnoble.com and their $5 off $5 etc. That was an awesome … [Read more...]