20 Years Ago…

Twenty Years Ago… Our lives changed Forever. (My first time holding Emilee… and one of our very few “family” photos.)  Our sweet angel baby Emilee Camille was born. She graced our lives for 5 beautiful but heart wrenching days. Because of a fluke birthing accident our lives were changed forever. You taught us to not take our lives for granted. You taught us that life is fragile, precious and can be changed or extinguished in … [Read more...]

Gender Non Conforming Boys… Should I Worry?

Childhood gender nonconformity is a phenomenon in which pre-pubescent children do not conform to expected gender-related sociological or psychological patterns, and/or identify with the opposite gender. Typical behavior among those who exhibit the phenomenon includes but is not limited to a propensity to cross-dress, refusal to take part in activities conventionally thought suitable for the gender and the exclusive choice of play-mates of the … [Read more...]

This is for the birds…

Thursday morning I awoke with every intention of getting my daily giveaway written and posted. I made my coffee, set the table with my laptop and had a seat. Then my oldest son came downstairs and told me about a dove my husband found sitting in the bush at the bottom of our front steps. Of course I went out and had a look and then tried to move on with my day. Josh noticed the neighbor cat stalking our direction… I guess he decided that … [Read more...]

Updating Your Traditions #LogCabinSyrups

  Thank you to Log Cabin for sponsoring my post about updated traditions in my household. To learn more about Log Cabin Syrups (which are all free of High Fructose Corn Syrup), breakfast for dinner, and other new ways to update traditions in your home, click here. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do. For years our family has had a Sunday tradition of gathering … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday Take 2 : Emma’s Black Eye

Emma had to pee… so she said. She was gone for a while and came back down to ask me something. I asked her who’s makeup that was and she started to panic… “No Momma!! It’s not makeup!” and she ran away. The color is off in the photo, but her eyelid is pink from blush and the black marks are mascara. I told her that was momma’s makeup and she said “But MOM! I want to look pretty, too.” It made me laugh really. It also brought back … [Read more...]

My Valentines Surprise

I love those surprises that you are completely unaware of before they happen. That is what happened this morning. My sweet husband took Josh to a 6 am (yes, butt crack of dawn) soccer game so I could sleep in. (Gosh I love that man!) He came home and surprised me with these… My early Valentines Day present! Happy early Valentines Day to all of you! May your lives be filled with love… … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday : Cuddle Time

It’s not often both babies want cuddle time with Mommy. I had to drop everything (even my dinner) to enjoy it. … [Read more...]

Mommy… What is Ham made of?

Our family has been cooped up for what seems like forever. Yesterday the sun was shining and singing to us “come outside”… so we started brainstorming. Our local Play Place isn’t the best for little ones and we were sure it would be swamped. We were on snow day #3… enough said. I had been out the day previously to grab some groceries. The roads weren’t perfect, but considering we just suffered went through a blizzard they were pretty good! We … [Read more...]

Boiling Water plus FRIGID Temperatures equals

We’ve been stuck inside for too long… so we are trying to entertain ourselves. Here’s our latest adventure… Boiling Water + Frigid Temps = … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday : Pretty in Pink?

I’m thinking Emma is wishing he was her sister?   He doesn’t seem to mind…. yet   … [Read more...]