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Birth Interventions and Assisted Deliveries Explained for New Moms

If you’re expecting, it helps to know what might potentially happen so you feel prepared and less anxious. Here’s a quick look at why interventions happen, what they involve, and how things will go down if you need one. 

Photo by Tim Bish on Unsplash

Common Types of Assisted Deliveries 

If you need a birth intervention, your doctor will choose the safest and most appropriate method depending on your and your baby’s needs. The most common ones include: 

  • Vacuum extraction: A soft suction cup is placed on the baby’s head to help guide them out of the birth canal. 
  • Forceps delivery: Large tongs gently grip the baby’s head to assist delivery. 
  • Episiotomy: The doctor makes a small cut in the perineum to prevent more severe tearing. 
  • C-section: A surgical birth method if vaginal delivery isn’t safe. 

These types of assisted deliveries are generally without much risk, especially compared to the alternative of not intervening. However, there are some dangers, like vacuum extraction delivery complications, that parents should be aware of.

When Do Doctors Use Assisted Delivery Methods? 

Most births don’t involve intervention, but that’s not to say assisted deliveries aren’t common either. There are several circumstances where doctors might step in to help. 

  • Labor stalls and your pushing isn’t progressing.
  • The baby is in distress and needs to be delivered quickly. 
  • After hours of labor, your body is too exhausted to push effectively. 

These situations are fairly normal. It’s not just extreme medical emergencies that require an intervention. 

What to Expect If You Need an Assisted Delivery 

Your doctor should thoroughly explain why you need an assisted delivery and what to expect, but here are the key things to keep in mind. For one, you’ll still be involved. Doctors don’t just take over. Many interventions still require you to push. 

Some interventions come with recovery time for your baby. For example, vacuum or forceps delivery can cause temporary marks or swelling. If you need an emergency C-section, it happens fast. You’ll be numbed, the baby will be delivered, and you’ll start recovery within minutes. After a traumatic birth or C-section, recovery can take around six weeks. 

When to Ask Questions or Speak Up 

You don’t need to study birth interventions to the nth degree, but it helps to build some general knowledge. You’ll then have more confidence and a better chance of understanding your doctor when discussing options. Don’t be afraid to bring up any concerns in your birth plan and trust your instincts; if something feels off, always ask questions. 


The idea of needing a birth intervention can be a source of stress, but it sounds more intimidating than it is. Remember, they’re only used to keep you and your baby safe. If things don’t go to plan, you didn’t do anything wrong, it’s not your fault, your body isn’t failing, and you’re not any less of a mom. Most importantly, stay informed, ask questions, and trust your team. 

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