Best Herbs For Drying
Being able to dry fresh herbs can open up a whole new way to use your favorite herbs for months to come. Selecting the best herbs to dry in your home for use in the kitchen, in beauty treatments and in cleaning solutions is easy once you know what to look for. There are some herbs that dry better and faster than others, and there are also herbs that store better when they are dry compared to others. If you want to grow herbs for drying when the season is coming to an end, think about what you are most interested in using dry herbs for and then plan out your garden according to your needs.
These are some of the best and easiest herbs to grow for drying. Make sure that you watch each plant closely for the best time to cut because every plant has a best time to snip in order to capture the most fragrance or best blooms possible.
Thyme is a great plant for drying, and the perfect one for beginners to start with. Because its stems and leaves are very thin and already dry for the most part, it does not take much effort or time to gather and dry the plant. Most thyme plants will flower after several weeks, so watch for tiny buds to appear and cut the stems immediately. Gather up thyme stems and hang in a clean paper bag to dry.
Rosemary plants are easy to grow, needing only a well drained location in full sun where they can spread their stems. Perfect for runs and spice mixes, rosemary leaves should be gathered for drying when you notice their fragrance without even having to brush the leaves. Gather sprigs early in the morning, or when several days have passed without the plant being rained on.
Tarragon is a culinary herb that can be gathered, dried and then ground into a powder for use in chili, spices, meat and sauce. Tarragon keeps its flavor well when dried and it only takes a little to season any dish you want to use it on.
Cilantro is the name used when referring to the plant you want to grow. Coriander is the name given to the seed that is most often dried and then used in cooking. While cilantro makes a great fresh addition to food, it does not dry well. Coriander on the other hand is incredibly easy to dry, just gather and place in a dry, dark corner.
This Mediterranean herb has leaves that are made for drying, though they need to be gathered right before the leaves of the plant begin to bud, otherwise they lose much of their flavor. If you want to ensure that the plant continues to grow, don’t snip entire stems off, but remove only the leaves that are in the middle of the plant, leaving the youngest leaves to continue gathering food.
Do you grow, harvest & dry your own herbs? Which ones?
I’ve never grown herbs before but I am very interested in learning how to and this list will be a great reference for beginners like me when I finally get around to it. Thanks for sharing this list.
I grow thyme and oregano and dry them both as well as use them fresh. I personally don’t care for dried tarragon I’d rather use it fresh.
Very informative. Thank you for sharing this with us.
I’ve never thought of using herbs in cleaning products. I like the smell of Rosemary, so I may try that. Thanks for the info!
We have a large vegetable plot out back (20′ x 30″) including lots of herbs. Some of them are so easy to grow — they literally grow like weeds! Saves us a bundle at the grocery store:)
I’ve never tried to grow anything on my garden. Maybe it’s about time to be engaged with this kind of “outdoor activities”. Thank you for sharing this. Will start with my favorite herb – oregano.
Great post with very useful info about drying herbs. I need to try drying. I have a mini herb garden but never dried any of them myself.
Great article! I bought this herb kit from Home Depot awhile back… I hope to get them growing soon! Thanks Heather!
Thanks for sharing this informative information. I’ve always wanted to grow an herb garden, would be nice then to dry them out.
We have a Rosemary bush in our side yard and it has grown so full it could supply our entire neighborhood. Thankfully that is one spice we never have to buy!
I’ve never tried drying herbs before, but I have basil in the garden. Do you think it would work very well?
Thyme is the only herb I’ve successfully dried, but to preserve basil and rosemary, I’ve made herb salts, which are pretty simple to make. The rosemary salt, in particular, is delicious on baked potatoes.
I’ve never grown my own herbs before but I would love to. I love using them. Maybe one day.
My Oregano did so bad this year but my Parsley was Great! I was thinking I may bring them in the house for the fall and winter and if they do better I can dry them. I love to garden and I use fresh Herbs when I can Thanks for sharing this post so Now when I have too many I know what to do with them.