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Black Bean Burgers Recipe

Black Bean Burgers Recipe As some of you may know, our family has decided to start eating more healthy. This includes eating a lot more fruits and vegetables, eating a lot less high fructose corn syrup, avoiding white starches and for two of the family members, avoiding meat! Yes, my husband and oldest are vegetarians. Myself? I still occasionally eat meat, but for the most part... nah. This has challenged me to find new recipes that are, most … [Read more...]

Time Keeps on Slipping…

You know the song... Time Keeps on Slipping by the Steve Miller Band. Oh, so true. Things have been happening around here that remind me daily that my children are no longer babies, that time is slipping through the hourglass faster than it's supposed to. My oldest is starting her SECOND year in college (HOW can that BE?), Josh is starting Jr. High... next year is his Freshman year... WTH?? Emma has begun "beginning reading skills" and tries to … [Read more...]

Cucumber love… Cucumber Salsa & Gazpacho Recipes

Cucumber Salsa & Gazpacho Recipes I blogged earlier about our home garden experience so far. I think we've done fairly well, with the small exception of our dearly departed tomato plants (I think it finally got too hot for them). We are experiencing a nice large crop from our cucumbers and have found a couple of cucumber recipes (which I will share below) that aren't so bad! In fact, we actually LOVE the cucumber salsa! My husband came … [Read more...]

Kids Say (and DO) the Darndest Things…

Over the past year Emma has said and done some of the CUTEST things. I try to share these with friends and family on Facebook.I thought I would share with you, too... Enjoy! quote for today... "EMMA! Get your head out of the potty!"April 14, 2009 at 1:53pm Emma's new quote: we were eating meatloaf and I told her to take a bite of her meat... "It's not MEAT... it's HANNAHBURGER!"April 24, 2009 at 11:26pm here's one for you... THREE times … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday…

What else is there to do on a hot day?   … [Read more...]

What Goes Around….

What goes around... comes around, right?  Emma & Ethan are a big 21 months apart. For quite some time now we have been telling Emma to "be nice", "don't hit", "please share", "he is going to be your best friend" etc in regards to Ethan. Of course she did as she pleased, but we oftentimes told her "Ethan is going to be bigger than you someday... be nice!".  Emma is our tiny girl. All of my children are 100th %ile and larger babies, … [Read more...]

Out of the Mouths of Babes…

 My dear Emma was riding along on a quick trip to Wal-Mart yesterday. From the back seat I could hear her pushing the buttons on her toy cell phone (pictured left) and listening to my pre-recorded message (I love that feature! Press the button, say something and your kids can hear you whenever they want!)... Back to my story. So, Emma shuts the cell phone and puts it in her lap. This particular play phone "rings" after a few seconds after the … [Read more...]

Serene Sunday

Take today to sit back, relax, and count your blessings.... make it a serene Sunday. … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday… Pirate fun!

My prize from AndTwinsMake5 came today...  Ethan spotted it on the porch and kept trying to tell me it was here. It was torture for him to watch, but his big sister and I got it put together quickly... THANK YOU Stephanie!! Ethan loves it! … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday… 22 years ago

22 year ago (today!) I married (eloped with) my high school sweetheart.... who is also, the love of my life. Happy Anniversary my love. The best is yet to come! … [Read more...]