Fringe Season 3 on DVD : Original Vs. Alternate Olivia… Who Would YOU Choose?

Throughout most of Season 3, Peter is in love with who he thinks is Olivia, but it’s actually Olivia from the alternate universe. When the original Olivia returns, Peter is emotionally distraught, because he realizes that he’d enjoyed spending time with the alternate Olivia. If you were Peter, what would you do in this situation? Would you stay with the alternate Olivia or return to the original Olivia who you developed an initial relationship … [Read more...]

#WIN Designs by Lolita Masquerade Acrylic Bowl Set & Napkins : Review & GIVEAWAY : [CLOSED] : #rafflecopter

  It all started with a girls’ night out… one that contained more than the usual laughter and fun. Browsing for the first time through a Martini menu, Lolita was inspired by the recipes. After being served a Cosmopolitan, her creative imagination made her see the glass differently – the way she thought it should be – a bit more dressed up with a pattern, with flair and a fabulous recipe on the … [Read more...]

Veggie Tales Bob Lends a Helping Hand & Larry Learns to Listen on DVD [CLOSED Giveaway]

Welcome to the Rafflcopter Round Up hosted by Simply Stacie and Makobi Scribe. Welcome to OurKidsMom & Thanks for hopping by! While you are here, take a peek at my 20+ other Rafflecopter giveaways running… listed on my right sidebar! VeggieTales® Larry Learns to Listen will be available on September 10 and September 13, 2011 in Christian and general market stores respectively, and VeggieTales® Bob Lends a Helping Hand will be available … [Read more...]

Project Me & Nature Made : It’s Voting Time! I Need Your Help!

Remember the Project Me post from last week? It made it to the finalist round!!! I am now eligible to win a trip to O You! in Atlanta, Georgia, an iPad 2 and a Flip Cam. Get a load of the speakers scheduled to attend… So now you can see why I would love to go, right? I NEED YOUR HELP! The twenty finalists will be voted on: Quality of the Blog Post Content (25%); Originality and Creativity of the Blog Post (25%); Level of engagement … [Read more...]

MyReviewsNow : All Your Product Reviews in ONE Spot!

This post brought to you by All opinions are 100% mine.   If you are like me, you don’t take purchasing major items lightly. Heck, even less expensive purchases aren’t taken lightly in our household. I’ve been known to search the web for hours to read review after review. Other consumers opinions and experiences with the product is vital information! I don’t have money to burn. If the item isn’t worth the money I … [Read more...]

#WIN Little Tikes Big Adventures Construction Peak Rail ‘n Road : Review & GIVEAWAY : [CLOSED] : #rafflecopter

  Emma and Ethan have recently fallen in love with train sets. They have the standard wooden set and a character set, so when Little Tikes offered to let them review the Construction Peak Roll ‘n Road set we were up for it! Big Adventures™ Construction Peak Rail ‘n Road™: Little Tikes® offers a crash course in building toy vehicles tough enough to stand up to even the most adventurous imaginations.  Our classic vehicles are built for … [Read more...]

Supernatural Season 6 on DVD : Winchesters Evolve

Season 5 ended with a banger between the gates of Hell opening up and fights with angels it was quite a departure from the earlier seasons but demonstrates how the show has evolved. What was your favorite part of the earlier seasons and were you prepared for season 6? Having static characters will kill a series. The creators of SuperNatural have done a great job having the Winchester boy’s relationship evolve and change. One of the earlier … [Read more...]

Big Bang Theory Season 4 on DVD : Girls vs. Boys

Until season 4, 'The Big Bang Theory' primarily focused on the core friendship of the guys with Penny as the lone girl. In Season 4, Penny gets some girlfriends with the introduction of Bernadette and Amy. Do you think that guys and girls can have stand alone deep friendship or do girls need girl time and guys need time with the boys? Before I married my husband, I would have said girls and guys need time apart. Seriously, my husband is my best … [Read more...]

Bridesmaids Girls Night In Viewing Party : Update

Friday night I hosted a Girls Night “In” viewing party. It’s been so long since I’ve participated in a girls night anything that I can’t remember, so I was super excited. I sent out evites through Facebook, watched as the RSVPs, maybes and no responses came in and started planning the spread. Friday morning Kaytlin, Emma and Ethan all piled in the van and we did our grocery run. My grocery list was focused around slumber party food… sweet, … [Read more...]

Moon Dough Push ‘n Pop Breakfast Set Review [CLOSED Giveaway]

My kids are total molding dough freaks. They play it on an almost daily basis… I figure it’s creative, stress reducing and plain ‘ole fun so why not? I have heard of Moon Dough, but have avoided it until now because of the rumors about crumbling etc. But now… Moon Dough has an all new formula! This molding dough now features a better consistency for molding and is less crumbly. After a little more research, I found out that Moon Dough never … [Read more...]