Reese’s Crust Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe I am a self admitted chocoholic. Dark, milk, mint, white... any way you present it I adore it. When you combine it with peanut butter... o. m. geeeeeeee. BEYOND good! Reese's peanut butter cups are adorning the shelves for Easter and I figured what better way to eat them with more peanut butter, right? Fudge with a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup “crust” makes my mouth immediately start watering. These … [Read more...]
Watch Your Disney Movies ANYWHERE
Although I am waiting for my Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy of Frozen, I know many of you are planning to snap up this winter’s hit film as it becomes available on Digital HD today! Head over to the iTunes app store and add another download to your queue, because Disney Movies Anywhere, Disney’s all-new digital movie service and app, is here, and it’s free! Debuting with iTunes as its exclusive launch provider, Disney Movies Anywhere is a simple, … [Read more...]
How the Note 3 Turned Up the Music | #VzwBuzz #Samsung
As a member of the #VzwBuzz influencer team, I received the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with line of service from Verizon. No additional compensation was provided nor did I promise positive feedback. All opinions are my own I’ve shared a few posts about how my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has enhanced or helped out in my day to day life. Things like store/coupon apps, the amazing camera, or just simply playing time passing games on it’s large 5.7 inch … [Read more...]
10 Must Have Items for Successful Breastfeeding
Now that my nursing days are over, I sometimes look back on them with yearning. I loved the bonding and special alone time with all four of my babies. Someone asked me once how long I had breastfed my children. It actually surprised me when I added it up… I have spent 46 months of my life, nearly 4 years, breastfeeding my four babies! Having resources on hand like Love Majka to help reserach issues with milk supply make it even easier to get … [Read more...]
Monday Morning Link Up Giveaway Linky
Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) Minute Maid Pure Squeezed Oranges Attack | Free Product Coupon #GIVEAWAY | ends 2/28 Kindle Fire #Giveaway + 25 eBook Winners | … [Read more...]
Apple Security Flaw | How to Protect Your Devices | Hotspot Shield
On Friday night, February 21, I heard about the Apple security flaw on it’s mobile devices. It seems that their operating system has left it’s iPads, iPhones, and Macs vulnerable to outside attacks/hacks. Hackers have a nice little windows to gain access to these devices and view your personal information when using public Wi-Fi. Things like your email, passwords to your banking site, credit card site, your credit card information used to … [Read more...]
Why Switching to Locally Grown Food is Smart
There has been a push in communities everywhere to get families to switch to locally grown food, but you might not be exactly sure why. You might have already made the switch to buying organically grown vegetables and fruit, but were not aware that even these foods have been shipped hundreds of miles away. Shopping farmer’s markets is a great way to get out and meet your local farmers, grab some fresh vegetables and maybe even learn a new … [Read more...]
Great Toilet Paper at a Great Price | Angel Soft Coupons
This post brought to you by Angel Soft… all opinions are my own. Late last month I wrote about our TP issues and how we had finally resolved them. Finally a TP with the ideal balance of softness and strength at a value that works for the whole family. The only thing better than good toilet paper, is good toilet paper at a great price, right? I’ve noticed many sales lately on Angel Soft and wanted to remind you that Angel Soft … [Read more...]
Minute Maid Pure Squeezed Oranges Attack | Free Product Coupon #GIVEAWAY | ends 2/28
Promotional consideration for this content was provided by The Coca-Cola Company; however, OurKidsMom is fully responsible for this giveaway. All opinions expressed in this content are my own and not those of The Coca-Cola Company Minute Maid® Pure Squeezed has unveiled a new fun interactive game called “When Oranges Attack!” game. I just finished playing a few rounds and it’s fun! “When Oranges Attack!” is a contraption/physics type game … [Read more...]