How to Create a Potted Mediterranean Herb Garden So many of the herbs we know and love are actually native to the Mediterranean region, transferred and transplanted via trade hundreds of years ago. Still, it is possible to transform a back or side yard with the use of potted mediterranean herbs that are clumped together to give off an exotic look. Potting these popular herbs is actually beneficial for both the plants and you because it gives you … [Read more...]
Monday Morning Link Up Giveaway Linky
Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) Frozen Blu-Ray Combo Pack Review | #Giveaway | ends 4/1 | #FrozenBluRay Saving Mr. Banks Blu-ray Combo Pack Review | #Giveaway | … [Read more...]
2014 American Girl Doll of the Year Isabelle
2014 American Girl Doll of the Year Isabelle Samples provided. All opinions are my own. Meet Isabelle, American Girls's Girl of the Year! She's an inspired dancer who discovers her own way to shine. Isabelle comes with a book, the story about her life. My Emma loves to read and watch videos about the girls her dolls are formed after. They make the dolls more lifelike for her. As my Emma is a dancer, Isabelle took … [Read more...]
RIO 2 hits theaters April 11!
RIO 2 hits theaters April 11! Blu and Jewel are back for an all new adventure in Rio 2! The entire cast of the animated smash RIO returns in RIO 2, and they are joined by a new flock of top actors and musical talents. Rich with grandeur, character, color and music, RIO 2 finds Jewel (Anne Hathaway), Blu (Jesse Eisenberg) and their three kids leaving their domesticated life in that magical city for a journey to the Amazon. They encounter a … [Read more...]
How I Use the #Samsung Note 3 Scrapbook | #VzwBuzz
As a member of the #VzwBuzz influencer team, I received the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with line of service from Verizon. No additional compensation was provided nor did I promise positive feedback. All opinions are my own As I get more comfortable using my Note 3 I have started playing with it’s extra features. I have several hours a week where I am waiting for the kids while they are in dance. I’ve tried to maximize my time there by working, but … [Read more...]
Fisher Nut Exactly Dark Chocolate Snack Bites
Fisher Nut Exactly Dark Chocolate Snack Bites We are a family of snackers. Big or small dinner, it’s basically a given that there will be a snack before bed. Our “go to” snack is usually popcorn but occasionally the kids will ask for a handful of nuts instead. I was excited to hear that Fisher Nuts is launching a first-of-its-kind snack product – Fisher Nut Exactly – exclusively at Costco stores in the Midwest. This sweet yet savory … [Read more...]
Netflix and Science Fair Projects | #NetflixKids
I am a Netflix Stream Team ambassador and am partnering with them to bring you this list. All opinions are my own. It’s that time of year again... It all starts with a science fair packet buried at the bottom of your child’s backpack. The next thing you know, that little take-home assignment suddenly becomes homework for you. Before you Google “easy science projects for kids,” we’ve got a variety of TV shows and movies that might help jump … [Read more...]
Little Things Make a Big Difference | Spring Cleaning
A gift card was received, all opinions are my own. Body oils, skin flakes, dust mites, bacteria, mold, mildew.... all things you want to be sleeping with, right? WRONG! We’ve begun spring cleaning a step at a time in our home. While working in my older son’s room, I noticed these two gross looking items on his bed that he called pillows. Just last week we took down his dorm-like loft and set up a new sleeping area in his room. It had … [Read more...]
Lepow Moonstone Power Bank
Lepow Moonstone Power Bank What do you do when you're on the go and your smartphone or tablet dies or is threatening to die? What if you miss an important phone call or text? What if you get lost and can't use your phone's GPS? As a mom, I am constantly on the go and depend on my mobile device a lot. The Lepow Moonstone power bank is a device that solves the problem of a surprise low battery while away from home. The Lepow Moonstone is a … [Read more...]
Monday Morning Link Up Giveaway Linky
Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) #WIN a Pirate Bay Inflatable Water Park Bounce House | ends 3/27 … [Read more...]