Capacitive Paint Brushes for Touch Screen Devices Review #WindowsChampions

Capacitive Paint Brushes for Touch Screen Devices My Emma has really blossomed as a little artist lately. Her favorite medium has always been Crayola Slick Stix (oil pastels), but recently I sat down with her to show her Fresh Paint on my Windows 8.1 device (Surface 2). To make the experience even more enjoyable for her, we were sent two brushes to try with Fresh Paint.  The Sensu Compacitive Brush and Stylus is perfect for both drawing … [Read more...]

Breakfast Burrito Recipe

  Breakfast Burrito Recipe I’m always trying to think up new ways to get my kids to eat a decent breakfast. Either they only want a “breakfast bar” (aka cereal bar or granola bar) or they really don’t want much more than a bowl of leftover popcorn from the previous night. This particular recipe incorporates a good amount of protein, some dairy, some veggies and a grain. Combined it wakes the taste buds up and gives the kids fuel to take on … [Read more...]

Take the Stress Out of Your Holiday with Honeybaked | $50 GC #GIVEAWAY | ends 4/15 | #HoneyBakedHost

This post brought to you by Honeybaked. Hosting a family get together, whether you will admit it or not, can be stressful. The planning, shopping and preparing of food can make my head spin. Toss in the cleaning up the kitchen when it’s all said and done... well it makes me want to cry. That’s why when HoneyBaked asked me to share my experience with you I gladly said yes! If you’ve never had a Honeybaked Ham you are missing out BIG time! … [Read more...]

Monday Morning Link Up Giveaway Linky

p align="center">Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) The Pirate Fairy Review | Giveaway | ends 4/11 | #PirateFairyBloggers … [Read more...]

Delivery Man on Blu-Ray DVD

Delivery Man on Blu-Ray DVD In this heartwarming comedy, underachiever David Wozniak (Vince Vaughn) learns he’s actually an overachiever — he’s fathered 533 children via donations made twenty years earlier! David soon discovers that the shock of his life might just be the best thing that’s ever happened to him. Along the way he discovers not only his true self, but also the father he could become. Also starring Chris Pratt and Cobie Smulders — … [Read more...]

Locally Grown Foods You Should Be Buying

Locally Grown Foods You Should Be Buying I discussed back in February why buying locally grown food is smart. What I neglected to mention was what foods you should be buying! Locally grown foods is a great way to get the best tasting food you possibly can, gain more nutrients from the food you buy and practice some environmentally friendly principles. Depending on where you live it can be a lot harder or easier than average to find farmers … [Read more...]

Strawberry White Chocolate Bark Recipe

Strawberry White Chocolate Bark My favorite spring/summer fruit is strawberries. My favorite candy.... chocolate. Put the two of them together and you have a marriage made in heaven. I made chocolate covered strawberries for Valentines Day earlier this year. This time I thought a more portable, more chocolate focused treat was in order. This is a super simple, two ingredient recipe. You will need 12 oz White Chocolate Melting Chips and 1 … [Read more...]

Legends Of Oz Dorothy’s Return | Trailer #LegendsofOz

LEGENDS OF OZ: DOROTHY’S RETURN In theaters May 9, 2014  Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return is a 3D-animated musical based on the adventure books by Roger Stanton Baum, the great-grandson of L. Frank Baum. A continuation of one of the world’s most popular and beloved fairy tales, Legends of Oz finds Dorothy (Lea Michele) waking to post-tornado Kansas, only to be whisked back to Oz to try to save her old friends the Scarecrow (Dan Aykroyd), the … [Read more...]

Happy Birthday Grumpy Cat | #WIN a Trip to NYC | #GrumpyBirthday

This post brought to you by Triad Retail Media. All opinions are 100% mine. Grumpy Cat’s Birthday is coming and Friskies® is throwing her a party! It’s a milestone birthday so the goal is to give her a day she will never forget. What else would a Grumpy Cat want for her birthday that to spread her grumpiness, right?  This year Friskies® Party Mix is going to help her do that. We started our party with Friskies® Party Mix treats and a few … [Read more...]

Send an American Greetings Video Greeting Card

This post brought to you by eCards from American Greetings. All opinions are 100% mine. Our family has always either made our own greeting cards or just given gifts without them. Our thoughts are, why spend $5 on a card when you can invest that money into the gift. That’s why when I heard about American Greetings e-cards I felt like they were a perfect fit for us and I wanted to Learn more. You can personalize them, add your own voice if … [Read more...]