Magic Chef Microwave #GIVEAWAY | ends 5/8

My son is gearing up for his big move to college this fall… which means it’s time to start collecting all of his dorm room essentials now. One of the biggest wants/needs on his list was a microwave. At his college he has to walk across campus to get to the dining hall. I am guessing that there will probably be a lot of re-heating or warming up microwave snacks in his room to avoid bitter cold conditions or rain. Hence the want/need for a good … [Read more...]

15 Tips For A Good Night Sleep

15 Tips For A Good Night Sleep Thank you to Tylenol PM for sponsoring today's conversation. All opinions are my own. For some people, a good night's sleep is an illusive dream. Tossing and turning has become a way of life. What many don't realize is that there are several activities that can help or hinder how well a person sleeps. We've compiled a list of 15 that we hope will help kick the sleep demon in the pants and get you on the road … [Read more...]

Apex- Stop Leaks The Right Way | #GIVEAWAY | ends 5/2

Many woman find that before having children they can run up and down the stairs, do yoga, bounce on a trampoline and more with out any problem. However there a few that experience bladder leakage and it's no fun at all. Believe it or not bladder leakage is a common occurrence in approximately one third of the female population. However, just because it's common doesn't necessarily mean that it's natural occurrence. In fact bladder leakage is a … [Read more...]

Be a Hallmark Advisor and EARN Amazon Gift Codes!

Be a Hallmark Advisor and EARN Amazon Gift Codes This is a sponsored post. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. Do you see an importance in taking the time to brighten someone’s day by sharing a personal message? Hallmark, a company who truly values this relationship between friends and family, is looking for some creative Moms to learn from and to help inspire their future products. You’re invited to join an … [Read more...]

Exploring the Real Madrid

Exploring the real Madrid    It’s often said about Spain’s capital that its residents seldom go to bed until they've “killed the night”. But if you think a preference for ludicrously late nights means you’ll get Madrid all to yourself by day, think again, as the city has mastered the art of functioning on next to no sleep. If Spain is a land of paradoxes, then Madrid is where they’re most vibrant. Whether you're traveling solo, with … [Read more...]

The Power of Home Equity

The Power of Home Equity This post is written and sponsored by U.S. Bank. Seems you’ve got a bit of a dilemma on your hands. That big project you’ve had in your head for what feels like forever is now actually coming together on paper and just waiting to be started. You have the time to do it and - best of all? - you want to do it. There’s just one problem. You need funds, because without them, your dream project stays on … [Read more...]

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any)     KidiTec Construction Toys Jurassic Life Set | #GIVEAWAY RV $179 | ends 4/24 Little Tikes Jr Bounce n … [Read more...]

Google Play Music Storage and Streaming Service

Google Play Music Storage and Streaming Service Complimentary service received. All opinions are my own. Years ago, music was all about your digital library. I remember my oldest telling me how many songs she had in her iPod with a big grin. I, for one, never joined those ranks. I have my favorite singers or bands, but the repetition of the same songs over and again bores me. I just tuned in to my local radio station when I wanted to … [Read more...]

Celebrate Earth Day by Recycling Old Cell Phones #VZWBuzz

Celebrate Earth Day by Recycling Old Cell Phones This post is part of the Verizon Ambassador program #vzwbuzz. All opinions are my own. Did you know that Earth Day was just around the corner? Yep! April 22, 2015 our household will be participating by cleaning out our old electronics. I bet if I were to ask you if you had any old smart/cell phones lying around... the answer would probably be yes. So many of us replace or upgrade our … [Read more...]

Arlo Smart Home Wireless Home Security Camera

Arlo Smart Home Wireless Home Security Camera Sample received. All opinions are my own. My husband and I have tossed around the idea of installing a home security camera, but the logistics of it always overwhelmed us. So when Netgear offered to let us try, Arlo Smart Home, the first wireless HD home monitoring video system we eagerly agreed. The kit comes with everything seen above... everything you need to get up and running right … [Read more...]