Tech Gift Ideas for Graduation #MicrosoftBloggers

Tech Gift Ideas for Graduation This post is part of the #MicrosoftBloggers program. All opinions are my own. My son graduates from high school this year and my mind has been whirling trying to come up with the perfect gift for him. I wanted a gift that would not only be "fun", but also useful for him at college. For graduating high schoolers, it’s important to have an easy-to-use set of tools to manage their homework, extracurricular … [Read more...]

Chipotle Catering For Graduation Parties | “Graduatering”

Chipotle Catering Thank you to Chipotle for sponsoring today’s conversation. All opinions remain my own. A couple of weeks ago I shared my plans for feeding the crowd at my son's graduation party. After a short conversation with him I knew Chipotle catering was my only option ... mainly because Chipotle is the only word out of his mouth when he's asked where he wants to eat. I placed an order for The Big Spread (3 meats) and relaxed as I … [Read more...]

Best Buy Education | #WIN $25,000 Best Buy Credit | #BestBuyEducationEntry #ad

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. From a local homeschooling family to the big city schools... they all have one thing in common. To give their students the edge they will need in today's work force they need hands on experience with up to date tech. When I think tech for personal needs I immediately think of Best Buy. So why wouldn't … [Read more...]

Creating a Detailed Home Emergency Plan

Creating a Detailed Home Emergency Plan There are many different types of emergencies that you might be faced with in your home. If you are homeowner or even a renter some of these different types of emergency plans are things that you should have in place. Getting Started The first thing that you need to do when you are creating a detailed home emergency plan is to grab a three ring binder, dividers, and sheet protectors. A great home … [Read more...]

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) Hot Pursuit in Theaters May 8 | Tote & $25 Visa GC #GIVEAWAY | ends 5/22 #HotPursuit The Hand On The Mirror | Book & $25 … [Read more...]

Spring Clean Your Car

Spring Clean Your Car at Water Savers Prize pack received. All opinions are my own. Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home – it’s a smart thing to do for your vehicles, too. A few simple steps can help boost your vehicle’s integrity and beauty while maintaining its value, plus you might even regain that new-car smell. Why you should spring clean your car: 1. Your car is a reflection of who you are There’s no question your car is a … [Read more...]

Avoid the Insanity of Unachieveable Ideals | Enjoy an Oscar Mayer #SANEWICH

Thank you to Kraft for sponsoring today's conversation. All opinions are my own. Being a parent is hard. There are plenty of scenarios portrayed through media channels that create the sometimes daily bout of "mom guilt". Having a next door neighbor "in real life" trigger of your mom guilt is even worse. What's important nowadays is to remember that we, as parents, are not alone amidst the insanity of unachievable (an unnecessary) ideals. We … [Read more...]

How to Safeguard Your Pregnancy

How to Safeguard Your Pregnancy Whether you are experiencing an advanced-age or low-risk pregnancy, taking care of yourself should always be a top priority. As mothers, we have a natural inclination to put everyone else first; however, when we become pregnant, we need to put ourselves first. By making your care your top priority, you will help ensure that your child starts off on the right foot. Great ways to care for both yourself and … [Read more...]

Dollie and Me Matching Outfits for Girls and Dolls

Dollie and Me Matching Outfits for Girls and Dolls Samples received. All opinions are my own. Emma has been enjoying her 18" dolls a lot lately. One thing she has really enjoyed is dressing them up and changing their clothes. Now, thanks to Dollie & Me, Emma can not only dress them up... but match them as well! Emma loves to dance so this cute little Dance into your Dream sleepwear set was perfect for her. The fit was spot … [Read more...]

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky

Monday Morning Link Up | Giveaway Linky Welcome to Monday Morning Link Up! This is a great way to spread the word about your giveaways and find a few to enter as well! The rules are simple: 1) Giveaways must be family friendly 2) Check out a few giveaways for yourself! (there is no obligation to enter any) … [Read more...]